



Using jmx-console & tomcat status (production)

In production environment, the Jboss application server listens to IP, and port 8080. In order to use the jmx-console through VPN, one must redirect the traffic in the port 8080 to a specific port. In this guide, the port, 9999 will be used for this purpose.


  1. login to the server via ssh as root user which has jmx-console running
  2. cd to /tmp
    $ cd /tmp
  3. locate the file, backpipe
    1. if exists, skip and proceed to next step
    2. if not exists, execute(without the dollar sign):
      $ mknod backpipe p
  4. execute the following command for port traffic redirection(without the dollar sign):
    $ nc -l -p 9999 0<backpipe | nc 8080 1>backpipe
  5. launch web browser and navigate to the jmx-console:
    e.g. http://<<vpn IP address>>:9999/jmx-console/
  6. done
  • [Important Note] You may need to re-execute the command in step 4 periodically should it get terminated.
  • [Important Note] One should use it for troubleshooting purpose only, not monitoring.
  • [Important Note] The port 8080 can be redirected because there's no application is actively using the port, instead the ajp port, 8009 is being used to serve all web request.

Example URLs for jmx-console & tomcat status

  • List of currently active web request:
    http://<<ip address>>:9999/status?full=true
  • Connection pool usage:
    http://<<ip address>>:9999/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=jboss.jca%3Aservice%3DManagedConnectionPool%2Cname%3D<<connection pool name>>
    ip address - IP address of the server
    connection pool name - the name of the connection pool
  • Thread Dump & memory usage:
    http://<<ip address>>:9999/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=jboss.system%3Atype%3DServerInfo

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago · 7 revisions