StartStop DB2 8 » History » Revision 2
Revision 1 (chin-yeh, 12/09/2010 09:58 AM) → Revision 2/3 (chin-yeh, 12/09/2010 10:08 AM)
{{toc}} h1. Start/Stop DB2 8 Provides guides on how to start or stop DB2 8 instance. DB2 8 Details: <pre> Database listening port: 50000 DB2 Installed Directory: /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1 Instance Name: db2inst1 Instance Home Directory: /home/db2inst1 Instance Owner: db2inst1 Fenced User: db2fenc1 </pre> h2. Start DB2 # ssh to the target server login as *Instance Owner*, e.g. db2inst1 # execute the following command: <pre>[db2inst1@cwydb1 ~]$ db2start</pre> # done. h2. Stop DB2 # ssh to the target server login as *Instance Owner*, e.g. db2inst1 # execute the following command: <pre>[db2inst1@cwydb1 ~]$ db2stop</pre> # done.