


Setup Development Environment » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (chin-yeh, 10/14/2011 11:41 AM) → Revision 6/9 (chin-yeh, 10/14/2011 12:00 PM)


 h1. Setup Development Environment 

 This guides describes how to setup the Eclipse development environment. 

 # install the *Apache Maven* ([[Install Maven]]) 
 # copy the attachment:"settings.xml" to : 
 ** *Windows Vista or Windows 7* - <code>C:\Users\[your windows account name]\.m2</code> 
 ** *Windows XP* - <code>C:\Documents and Settings\[your windows account name]\.m2</code> 
 # download the "Provisioned Eclipse": 
 # unzip it to your local computer 
 # navigate to the extracted folder, e.g. _eclipse3_5_, and edit the *eclipse.ini* to append the following line: 
 C:/Program Files/Java/[[you JDK version]]/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll 
 C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.6.0_23/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll 
 # launch the *eclipse.exe* 
 ** _the select workspace dialog will be prompted up, either setup a new one or point it to your existing workspace_ 
 # after that, go to *_Window -> Preference_* 
 ## select *_General -> Content Types -> Text -> JSP -> JSP Fragment_* 
 ## press the *Add* button and enter <code>*.inc</code> in the *Content type* field 
 ## press OK to save the changes 
 # for web application project (_excluded those that maintained using Maven_), add the following libraries to the Java Build Path (*_Properties -> Java Build Path -> Libraries_*) 
 ** "Servlet-API": 
 ** "JSP-API": 
 # _(optional)_ _(skip this step if do not want to *replace* your existing CVS & SVN repository settings)_ 
 ## import the following *eclipse preferences* (*_File -> Import -> General -> Preferences_*) 
 *** attachment:cvs_repository.epf 
 *** attachment:svn_repository.epf 
 # done