



Map network drive

Obtain the following info before continue:
  • the server IP or name e.g.
  • the name of the shared folder
  • username and password of the server (it could be your CVS login)
  1. open Windows Explorer
  2. press Alt+T and choose Map network drive and at the next prompt, select:
    1. Drive: any available letter
    2. Folder: \\<<server ip or hostname>>\<<shared folder>>, e.g. \\\qaProject
    3. tick Reconnect at logon
    4. tick Connect using different credentials
  3. press Finish to continue
  4. at the next prompt, choose Use another account and enter:
    1. User name: <<server ip or hostname>>\<<your username>>, e.g. \\\technicalDoc
    2. Password: <<your password>>
    3. tick Remember my credentials
  5. follow the remaining instruction to complete the setup
  6. done

Updated by Soh Keong over 3 years ago · 3 revisions