


Database Mirroring (DB2) on remote site » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (chin-yeh, 03/21/2012 04:38 PM) → Revision 3/23 (chin-yeh, 03/21/2012 05:28 PM)


 h1. Database Mirroring on remote site 

 h2. Introduction 

 To have mirror production database(s) to remote site, there are a number of approaches: 
 # Use <code>(full)</code> database backup 
 # Use <code>(full + incremental)</code> database backup 
 # Use <code>(full + delta)</code> database backup 
 # Use <code>(full + incremental + delta)</code> database backup - _not recommended because it is too complex_ 
 # Use <code>(full database backup + transaction logs)</code> 

 > the approach 1-4 are described in "Using DB2 incremental backup": 

 The following sections will describe how the last approach actually works. Before that, let's do a compare: 