


Apache HTTP Server 2226 » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (chin-yeh, 08/24/2010 09:45 AM) → Revision 5/6 (chin-yeh, 08/24/2010 09:51 AM)

h1. Apache HTTP Server 2.2.26 

 This service is belong to @apache@ user and @run level@ is 3,4,5. user. 

 h2. Start 

 As @root@ user: 
 service httpd start 

 As @apache@ or other user: 
 /etc/init.d/httpd start 

 h2. Stop 

 As @root@ user: 
 service httpd stop 

 As @apache@ or other user: 
 /etc/init.d/httpd stop 