Specification » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Soh Keong, 01/02/2013 04:12 PM) → Revision 4/9 (Soh Keong, 01/02/2013 04:15 PM)
h1. Specification h1. Activity Diagram h1. Programming Guide h2. Resources h3. SCM see [[wiki#SCM]] h3. Jar File Download "Download Page": h3. Classes * *com.ecosway.ecpg.common* - CommonConstants, CommonProperties * *com.ecosway.ecpg.dao* - ECPGInterface * *com.ecosway.ecpg.model* - CommonECPG, PaymentECPG, ResponseECPG * *com.ecosway.mol.service* - ECPGService, ECPGServiceImpl h3. properties file * *ecpg.properties* # *merchant.id* - Merchant id, given by NCCC (National Credit Card Center of R.O.C) # *payment.url* - Front-end payment page URL # *terminal.id* - Terminal id, given by NCCC (National Credit Card Center of R.O.C) h3. Database Table <pre> CREATE TABLE ECOS.ECPG_INTERFACE ( ORDER_ID VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, TRX_TYPE VARCHAR(5), SHOPPER_REF_NO INTEGER, CHARGE_AMT DECIMAL(15,2), APP_CODE VARCHAR(8), STATUS VARCHAR(2), ERROR_CODE VARCHAR(3), ERROR_DESC VARCHAR(60), IS_VALID CHARACTER NOT NULL, PAY_DATE TIMESTAMP, CREATE_DATETIME TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, MODIFY_DATETIME TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (ORDER_ID)) </pre> *Get ECPG URL* <pre> com.ecosway.ecpg.service.ECPGService service = new com.ecosway.ecpg.service.ECPGServiceImpl(); String URL = service.getURL(Connection conn, PaymentECPG payment); </pre> # *conn* - Database connection. # *payment* - PaymentECPG object. > * *orderId* - Order ID. > * *amount* - Transaction amount. > * *trxType* - Transaction Type. > * *shopperRefNo* - Shopper Reference Number. > * *returnURL* - Page to be return after transaction. *Update MOLPay Response into Database* <pre> com.ecosway.ecpg.service.ECPGService service = new com.ecosway.ecpg.service.ECPGServiceImpl(); com.ecosway.ecpg.model.ResponseECPG res = new service.updateTransaction(Connection com.ecosway.ecpg.service.ECPGServiceImpl().updateTransaction(Connection conn, HttpServletRequest request) </pre> # *ResponseECPG* > * orderId - String > * amount - double > * status - String > * responseCode - String > * responseMsg - String > * authCode - String > * payDate - Date > * valid - boolean