


Batch » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (Soh Keong, 10/12/2023 10:17 AM) → Revision 3/13 (Soh Keong, 10/12/2023 10:36 AM)


 h1. Batches 

 h2. PurgeRP 

 Program Class : ECpurgeRP 
 Run Indicator :  
 > 0    - First Time run only, For earn and get from table MEMBER_ACCOUNT 

 > 1    - Subsequence to Calculate Earn and Utilize RP from table TRANSACTION 

 > 2    - Calculate Utilized RP and Deduct from ProcessDate Balance 

 > 3    - Purge expired RP 

 > -3 - Roll back (4) 

 > -2 - Roll back (2) 


 h2. Report 

 Program Class : GenHKRPDaily 
 Steps           : 
 # Call webservice (EcHkMemberController.getRPBalanceExpiryDateList) get HK & MC RP balance with expiry date. 
 # Write RP to file name : RPyymmdd.HK