


Specification » History » Revision 4

Revision 3 (chin-yeh, 08/10/2011 09:30 AM) → Revision 4/7 (chin-yeh, 08/19/2011 03:10 PM)


 h1. Specification 

 h2. Table Schema 


 This table stores those events which are needed to submit to DP services. It can also be used to track the status of the submitted events. 

 <code class="SQL"> 
 create table dp_interface ( 
	 id int not null generated always as identity, 
	 process_code varchar(30), 
	 trx_id varchar(30) not null, 
	 trx_type varchar(15), 
	 country_code varchar(10), 
	 member_name varchar(100), 
	 member_id varchar(20), 
	 new_member_id varchar(20), 
	 trx_date varchar(8), 
	 dp_amount decimal(10,2), 
	 invoice_amount decimal(10,2), 
	 status varchar(15), 
	 last_updated timestamp, 
	 error_code varchar(10), 
	 error_message varchar(255), 
	 primary key (id) 

 create unique index idx_dp_id_type on dp_interface(trx_id,trx_type); 
 create index idx_dp_status on dp_interface(status); 
 create index idx_dp_err_code on dp_interface(error_code); 