


Programming Guide » History » Revision 19

Revision 18 (chin-yeh, 09/06/2011 04:19 PM) → Revision 19/21 (chin-yeh, 09/23/2011 10:10 AM)


 h1. Programming Guide 

 There are number of APIs provided by DP. All of these APIs are wrapped and exposed through a client application, [[documentation#list-of-components|dp-client]]. Refer to the following sub sections for more information. 

 The Javadoc of *dp-client*: 

 The binary or source files of *dp-client*: 
 > [[wiki#SCM|SCM]] 

 Demo application of *dp-client*: 

 h2. Query DP balance 

 Queries the available DP balance.  

 _Method Signature:_ 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
 public static TransactionResponse queryBalance(java.lang.String countryCode, 
                                                java.lang.String memberId) 
                                         throws java.rmi.RemoteException 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "queryBalance": 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of: 
 * *process* - Sales1 
 * *transactionId* - the unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - the country ID that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - possible value is *ONLINE*. It's used to differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online mall. 
 * *memberId* - the member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - the status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible status 
 * *balance* - the available DP balance 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible error code 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible description 

 h3. Code Snippets Snippet 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 TransactionResponse dpResponse; 
 try { 
   dpResponse = DPServicesUtils.queryBalance(countryCode, shopperId);  

 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
   LOGGER.error("Error in connecting to web services", ex); 

 h2. Impose Sales Lock 

 Imposes the *Sales Lock* on the particular member ID. This method is usually to be used conjunction with *Commit Sales*. Without sales lock, the *Commit Sales* won't succeed. 

 _Method Signature:_ 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
 public static TransactionResponse imposeSalesLock(java.lang.String transactionId, 
                                                   java.lang.String countryCode, 
                                                   java.lang.String memberId) 
                                            throws java.rmi.RemoteException 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "imposeSalesLock": 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of: 
 * *process* - Sales1 
 * *transactionId* - the unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - the country ID that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - possible value is *ONLINE*. It's used to differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online mall. 
 * *memberId* - the member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - the status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible status 
 * *balance* - the available DP balance 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible error code 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible description 

 h3. Code Snippets Snippet 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 TransactionResponse dpResponse; 
 try { 
   dpResponse = DPServicesUtils.imposeSalesLock(trxId, countryCode, shopperId); 

 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
   LOGGER.error("Error in connecting to web services", ex); 

 h2. Release Sales Lock 

 To be able to release the *Sales Lock*, one must provide the same *transaction ID*, which being used to impose the *Sales Lock*. 

 And, this method will return success status regardless if there's *Sales Lock* or not. 

 _Method Signature:_ 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
 public static TransactionResponse releaseSalesLock(java.lang.String transactionId, 
                                                    java.lang.String countryCode, 
                                                    java.lang.String memberId) 
                                             throws java.rmi.RemoteException 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "releaseSalesLock": 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of: 
 * *process* - Sales1 
 * *transactionId* - the unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - the country ID that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - possible value is *ONLINE*. It's used to differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online mall. 
 * *memberId* - the member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - the status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible status 
 * *balance* - the available DP balance 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible error code 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible description 

 h3. Code Snippets Snippet 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 TransactionResponse dpResponse; 
 try { 
   dpResponse = DPServicesUtils.releaseSalesLock(trxId, countryCode, shopperId); 

 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
   LOGGER.error("Error in connecting to web services", ex); 

 h2. Commit Sales 

 This method is used to deduct DP balance according to the provided amount. The [[Programming Guide#Impose-Sales-Lock|Impose Sales Lock]] must be invoked prior that.  

 The *Commit Sales* and *Impose Sales Lock* could possibly be invoked by 2 different process but both must use the same transaction ID. 

 This method will persist the transaction details into database. 

 _Method Signature:_ 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
 public static TransactionResponse performSalesCommit(java.sql.Connection dbConnection, 
                                                      java.lang.String transactionId, 
                                                      java.lang.String countryCode, 
                                                      java.lang.String memberId, 
                                                      java.util.Date trxDate, 
                                                      java.math.BigDecimal dpAmount, 
                                                      java.math.BigDecimal invoiceAmount) 
                                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException, 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "performSalesCommit": 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of: 
 * *process* - Sales2 
 * *transactionId* - the unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - the country ID that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - possible value is *ONLINE*. It's used to differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online mall. 
 * *memberId* - the member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - the status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible status 
 * *balance* - the available DP balance 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible error code 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible description 

 h3. Code Snippets Snippet 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 Connection dbConnection = DBConnectionFactory.createDbConnection("java:/DB2DS2"); 
 TransactionResponse dpResponse = new TransactionResponse(); 
 try { 
	 // impose sales lock before commit 
	 // dpResponse = DPServicesUtils.imposeSalesLock(trxId, countryCode, shopperId); 
	 dpResponse = DPServicesUtils.performSalesCommit(dbConnection, 
				 trxId, countryCode, shopperId, 
				 trxDate, dpAmount, invoiceAmount); 
 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
	 LOGGER.error("Error in connecting to web service", ex); 
 } catch (SQLException ex) { 
	 LOGGER.error("Error in persisting the event", ex); 
 } finally { 		
	 if (dbConnection != null) { 

 // release the Sales Lock in the event of exception  
 if (dpResponse == null || !"0000".equals(dpResponse.getStatus())) { 
    DPServicesUtils.releaseSalesLock(trxId, countryCode, shopperId); 


 h2. Sales Return / Cancel Sales 

 This method is used to adjust the DP balance. There's no need to impose the *Sales Lock*. 

 _Method Signature:_ 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
 public static TransactionResponse performSalesReturn(java.sql.Connection connection, 
                                                      java.lang.String transactionId, 
                                                      java.lang.String countryCode, 
                                                      java.lang.String memberId, 
                                                      java.util.Date trxDate, 
                                                      java.math.BigDecimal dpAmount, 
                                                      java.math.BigDecimal invoiceAmount) 
                                               throws java.rmi.RemoteException, 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "performSalesReturn": 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of: 
 * *process* - SReturn 
 * *transactionId* - the unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - the country ID that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - possible value is *ONLINE*. It's used to differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online mall. 
 * *memberId* - the member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - the status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible status 
 * *balance* - the available DP balance 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible error code 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible description 

 h3. Code Snippets Snippet 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 Connection dbConnection = DBConnectionFactory.createDbConnection("java:/DB2DS2"); 
 TransactionResponse dpResponse = new TransactionResponse(); 

 try { 
	 dpResponse = DPServicesUtils.performSalesReturn(dbConnection, trxId, countryCode,  
			 shopperId,trxDate, dpAmount, invoiceAmount); 	

 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
	 LOGGER.error("Error in connecting to web service", ex); 
 } catch (SQLException ex) { 
	 LOGGER.error("Error in persisting the event", ex); 
 } finally { 
	 if (dbConnection != null) { 


 h2. VIP Upgrade to BO 

 This method upgrades the VIP to BO. After upgraded, you have to use the *new member ID* for the subsequence operation, e.g. DP balance. Besides that, one must utilize all of the remaining DP balance in the limited period of time. The period is determined by DP. 

 _Method Signature:_ 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
 public static TransactionResponse performVipUpgrade(java.sql.Connection connection, 
                                                     java.lang.String trxId, 
                                                     java.lang.String countryCode, 
                                                     java.lang.String memberName, 
                                                     java.lang.String memberId, 
                                                     java.lang.String newMemberId, 
                                                     java.util.Date trxDate) 
                                              throws java.rmi.RemoteException, 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "performVipUpgrade": 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, *TransactionResponse* consists of: 
 * *process* - Change 
 * *transactionId* - the unique reference that passed in by the caller 
 * *countryId* - the country ID that passed in by the caller 
 * *centerId* - possible value is *ONLINE*. It's used to differentiate if the caller are from POS system or online mall. 
 * *memberId* - the member/shopper ID 
 * *status* - the status of the transaction. If success, returns *0000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible status 
 * *balance* - the available DP balance 
 * *errorCode* - the error code of the transaction. if success, returns *00000* 
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible error code 
 * *errorMessage* - the detailed description of the error code  
 ** refer to document:"DP Web Services" for other possible description 
 * *expiryDate* - the return value is in *yyyyMMdd* format. This indicates the validity of the remaining DP balance  

 h3. Code Snippets Snippet 

 <code class="JAVA"> 
 Connection dbConnection = DBConnectionFactory.createDbConnection("java:/DB2DS2"); 
 TransactionResponse dpResponse = new TransactionResponse(); 

 try { 
	 dpResponse = DPServicesUtils.performVipUpgrade(dbConnection, trxId, countryCode, 
			 memberName, shopperId, newShopperId, trxDate); 

 } catch (RemoteException ex) { 
	 LOGGER.error("Error in connecting to web service", ex); 
 } catch (SQLException ex) { 
	 LOGGER.error("Error in persisting the event", ex); 
 } finally { 
	 if (dbConnection != null) { 

 h2. Generate the redirect URL for VIP Details page 

 Generates the required form data which is needed to redirect member to the *DP VIP Details* page. 

 *Important Notes:*  
 * DP accepts *HTTP POST* method only. 
 * Prevent unauthorized access to the page or function which is being used to invoke this method. For example, retrieve the member ID from session instead of page request parameters. 

 _Method Signature:_ 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
 public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> vipDetailsPage(java.lang.String memberId) 

 h3. Input Parameters 

 See "vipDetailsPage": 

 h3. Output Parameters 

 The return object, key-value pairs consist of: 
 * *memberid* - the member/shopper ID 
 * *pin* - the PIN that provided by DP 
 * *expirydate* - when would the request expires 
 * *fingerprint* - the fingerprint of the request, it is an one-way hash value 

 One have to make use of the key-value pairs to construct the form. See *Code Snippets* Snippet* section for the example. 

 h3. Code Snippets Snippet 

 Must use *HTTP POST* method to submit the request to DP: 
 <code class="JAVA"> 
	 Map<String, String> formData =  
         // Do Not use parameter. This is for demo purpose only. 
         // Should get the shopper ID from session to prevent someone from hijack this page 

 <form id="frm" name="frm" method="<%=formData.get("method") %>" action="<%=formData.get("action") %>"> 
	 <input name="memberid" type="hidden" value="<%=formData.get("memberid") %>"/> 
	 <input name="pin" type="hidden" value="<%=formData.get("pin") %>"/> 
	 <input name="expirydate" type="hidden" value="<%=formData.get("expirydate") %>"/> 
	 <input name="fingerprint" type="hidden" value="<%=formData.get("fingerprint") %>"/> 

 Please wait while we redirecting you to VIP Details page...  

 <script language='javascript'> 
 function submitForm(){ 

 window.onload=submitForm ; 

 h2. Exception Handling Strategies 

 The APIs would throw the following exceptions: 
 * *RemoteException* - if there's any issue in communicating with the DP 
 * *SQLException* - if there's any issue in persisting or updating the event 
 * *unchecked exception* - e.g. NullPointerException. This is more like a programming errors so do not catch it for whatever reasons. 
 ** _note: catch the *Exception* will catch both checked & unchecked exception_ 

 The above exceptions should never be ignored, at least, the full error stack trace should be logged.