


Documentation » History » Revision 8

Revision 7 (chin-yeh, 08/10/2011 09:35 AM) → Revision 8/25 (chin-yeh, 08/10/2011 09:40 AM)


 h1. Documentation 

 h2. List of Components 

 |dp-stub|1.1-SNAPSHOT|The client stub of DP web services| 
 |dp-client|1.3.1-SNAPSHOT|The client of DP web services| 
 |dp-test|1.2.1-SNAPSHOT|A demo application for *dp-client*| 

 The binary of the above components can be found in: 

 h2. How To Compile from source files 

 All of the projects are built and maintained using "Maven 2":  
 > Those projects can be imported into *Eclipse IDE* but the *m2 Maven* plugin is needed. 

 * Eclipse IDE (optional) 
 * Apache Maven 2 
 * CVS client, e.g TortoiseCVS, Eclipse IDE 

 h3. dp-stub 

 # checkout the project *dp-stub* from CVS 
 # <code>cd</code> to the folder: 
 $ cd dp-stub 
 # execute the maven goal, *clean* and *package*: 
 $ mvn clean package 
 # if success, the binary file can be found in the *target* folder 
 # _(optional)_ to deploy the binary to "nexus repository":, execute the maven goal, *deploy*: 
 $ mvn clean deploy 

 h3. dp-client 

 # checkout the project *dp-client* from cvs 
 # <code>cd</code> to the folder: 
 $ cd dp-client 
 # execute the maven goal, *clean* and *package*: 
 $ mvn clean package 
 # if success, the binary file can be found in the *target* folder 
 # _(optional)_ to deploy the binary to "nexus repository":, execute the maven goal, *deploy*: 
 $ mvn clean deploy 