


Documentation » History » Revision 24

Revision 23 (chin-yeh, 09/29/2011 09:40 AM) → Revision 24/25 (chin-yeh, 09/29/2011 10:21 AM)


 h1. Documentation 

 The main documentation for *DP Client*. 

 h2. Programming Guide 

 * [[Programming Guide]] - _web web services + event persistence_ persistence 
 * [[Programming Guide for Batch Program]] - _event event persistence only_ only 

 h2. Deployment Guide 

 * [[Deploy dp-client]] 
 * [[Deploy dp-batch]] 

 h2. List of Components 

 |_.Name|_.Latest Stable Version|_.Description| 
 |dp-stub|1.2-[version]|The client stub of DP web services| 
 |dp-client|1.3.3-[version]|The client of DP web services| 
 |dp-test|1.2.4-SNAPSHOT|A demo application for *dp-client*| 
 |dp-batch|HEAD tag| dp related batch programs| 

 where *version* refer to: 
 * *SNAPSHOT* - for development environment 
 * *RELEASE* - for production environment 

 The binary of the above components can be found in: 

 h2. Compile from source files 

 *Important Note:* 
 > This section is not applicable to *dp-batch* as its deployment files have to be compiled individually and only upload those which are needed. 

 All of the projects are built and maintained using "Maven 2":  
 > Those projects can be imported into *Eclipse IDE* but the *m2 Maven* plugin is needed. 

 The *source files* are stored in: 
 > [[wiki#scm|SCM]] 

 * Eclipse IDE (optional) 
 * Apache Maven 2 
 * CVS client, e.g TortoiseCVS, Eclipse IDE 
 * Project or module name, e.g. dp-client 

 By default, all of the project is configured to include *development properties files* when packaging the binary file. To include production properties files, activate the *prod* profile. 

 # checkout the project or module using the CVS client 
 # <code>cd</code> to the checkout folder, e.g. dp-client 
 ** *Example:* 
 $ cd dp-client 
 # execute the maven goal, *clean* and *package*: 
 ** compile for *development* environment: 
 *** change the artifact version to *x.x-SNAPSHOT* 
 $ mvn clean package 
 ** compile for *production* environment: 
 *** change the artifact version to *x.x-RELEASE* 
 $ mvn -P prod clean package 
 # if success, the binary file can be found in the *target* folder