



From 08/20/2011 to 09/18/2011


05:17 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
• memory usage on writing 100,000 records to excel file - 144212200 bytes (144MB)
• memory usage on writing 500,00...


09:35 AM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
The load test result and the changes should be ready by this Thursday as we will calculate profit next week. chin-yeh


05:54 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
load test still in progress
latest code commited to CVS
12:04 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Just a reminder. The *total amount* in the sheet's footer is referring to total amount (_USD & local currency_) on th... chin-yeh


05:37 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
is the Runtime under java.lang? if is i try it now Chee-Hoong
05:28 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
you could use this code snippet to capture the memory usage:... chin-yeh
11:44 AM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
In excel, there's a limit on number of rows & columns per sheet.
* *prior office 2007* - 65,536 rows by 256 columns...


06:09 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
get the latest stable version from the official website chin-yeh
05:46 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
is the excel API (APACHE POI) already exist in our eclipse or need to download? Chee-Hoong
02:53 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Use the "Apache POI": to generate the excel file.
Regarding to the load test, I would sugges...
11:22 AM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
1) Generate the Finance Reference Report into excel(xls) format, with VIP records group by country as tab(s...


03:47 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
finding test data to enable verification Chee-Hoong
03:05 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
INV_NO field refer to profit month, for example, if you are generating for May 2011 profit, then it will be BONUS2011... Chooi-Mey
02:58 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
INV_NO field refers to current date time?
02:50 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
adding Chee-Hoong
02:35 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
1) Add in USD_DP_AMT field at last column (position 531-543), with length 13N (13,2). Pass the DP amount ...
12:22 PM Feature #117: DP Client Interface
The programming guide is ready and can be found in [[Programming Guide]]. The implementer should understands the requ... chin-yeh


05:58 PM Feature #119: Sales Return Web Services
Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process the sample batch file which contains ... chin-yeh
05:57 PM Feature #120: VIP Upgrade Web Service
Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process the sample batch file which contains ... chin-yeh
05:55 PM Feature #117: DP Client Interface
Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process all of the sample batch files, which ... chin-yeh


03:44 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
production generated file sent to ting ting and benny.
bug fixed
12:33 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
As discussed, do provide the profit batch file, which generated in live environment, to Ting-Ting & Benny for final v... chin-yeh


05:51 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
i just gen the file and send to ting ting? Chee-Hoong
05:35 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
I've imported the live *VIP_STAT* & *mend_currconv* tables into development STORE db. Can you generate a copy and pas... chin-yeh
10:59 AM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
wat is the formula or how to calculate the dp that need to convert 2 decimal? Chee-Hoong
10:03 AM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
ok i get it Chee-Hoong
09:49 AM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Use the util to format all monetary value to 2 decimal places *after* calculation chin-yeh
09:32 AM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
format dp earned to 2 decimal is after currency conversion? for calculation purpose?


06:17 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
The file encoding of the profit batch file will be *UTF-8*.
FYI, the file encoding for all of the VP/DP batch fil...
05:46 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
*Important notes:*
* Refer to the *format2Decimal* method in ** class in usa-mall reposito...
05:03 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Add requirements:
1) Finance Report
- Filename Format: DP_PROFIT_FINANCE_REFERENCE_MMyyyy.csv
- File Encoding: ISO...
12:29 PM Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
For DP Amount in profit file, the value need to be in Local currency of the mapped country.
The retrieval value fro...

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