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Soh Keong, 11/03/2020 09:51 AM



See Specification

Status Code

Code Message
00000 SUCCESS; Successful processed.
10101 Invalid parameter!
10102 Service Unavailable!
10103 Invalid Transaction Type!
10104 Member ID is not exist!
10105 Invalid or Wrong PIN!
10106 Unknown system error
10107 Transaction ID is empty!
10108 Country ID is empty!
10109 Center ID is empty!
10110 Member ID is empty!
10111 PIN is empty!
10112 CheckData is empty!
10113 Invalid CheckData!
10114 PIN: Invalid DES format!
10115 Action Code is empty!
10116 Invalid Action Code!
10117 Invalid Date Format!
10118 Activation Date is empty!
10119 Member ID havent set PIN!
10120 Insufficient Balance (Point)!'
10121 Point cant be zero!
10122 Member have reached the max number of password attempts!
10123 Inv No is empty!
10124 Inv Date is empty!
10125 Expiry Date is empty!
10126 Invalid Security Token!
10127 TransactionID has already been used!
10128 Insufficient Balance (Cash)!
10129 Utilized Point must in negative value!
10130 Utilized Cash must in negative value!
10131 Earned Point must in positive value!
10132 Withdraw Cash must in negative value!
10133 Sales is locked by another transaction!
10134 Invalid Transaction ID!
10135 User is required to update PIN!
10136 Invalid Sales Type!
10137 Earned Point must in negative value!
10138 Utilized Point must in positive value!
10139 Inv Date Ori is empty!
10140 Member Type is empty!
10141 Invalid Member Type!
10142 Invalid Point!


Host: cwapp4 [IP address:]
Path: /cvs/ecoswayNew
Module: coswayService

Updated by Soh Keong almost 4 years ago · 1 revisions