




Online Registration function


Upon successfully Registration (with full profile info provided), online system trigger the IUpdateMemberDetail WS call to flag the activation for free gift.

Store Pickup

If user choose the option to pickup the starter/business kit from store, online system will trigger the IPromoService WS call by pass in promocode and qty = 99, to inform WS System that this user choose to pickup from store. (If choose sent by warehouse, WS call will NOT be triggered).

POS will query to WS system to check (via IPromoSerice WS) whether any record exist with this promocode attached with the user, if exist and qty = 99, then allow to self pickup and update qty=100; otherwise if not exist or qty=100, then disallow to pickup.

Newsletter free eRC

If user choose to subscribe to newsletter during registration, user entitled earned free 10 eRC (pending requirement confirmation). Online System trigger eTrxProcess WS by pass in Sales (S) salestype, invNo, invDate, EarnedPoint=10 and expiryDate = last day of the month of (orderDate + 3 years), to inform WS system the earn eRC by member.

Sales function

Check eRC/eAcct balance

online system trigger the iGetMemberDetail WS call to query on the eRC/eAcct balance by pass in countryID and memberId etc.

WS system based on CountryID to return the related currency rate, and eRC/eAcct amount balance in MYR.

online system will need to convert the value into required currency value based on the response currency exchange rate (cater for other country mall).

online system to check whether sufficient for utilization, based on the converted (if applicable) eRC/eAcct balance amount.

Lock eRC/eAcct account

Online system perform eRC/eAcct account lock by trigger eTrxSalesLock WS call to secure the sufficient balance for utilization for the sale transaction.

Sales – Earned/Utilization of eRC/eAcct

Upon complete purchase process, online system trigger eTrxProcess WS call to send in the sales (S) request on the earned/utilization of eRC or/and utilization of eAcct.

EarnedPoint and UtilizedPoint parameter is the eRC value (in +ve), while Amt is the eAcct value (in +ve, MYR).

ExpiryDate is refer to the earned eRC expiry date which is last day of the month of (orderDate + 3 years).

CurrencyRate is based on the response exchange rate via Check Balance call. This is required to send to WS system during sales request call, to keep track the rate to be used during that moment.

WS system will unlock the eRC/eAcct account upon successfully process this sales request.

Unlock eRC/eAcct account

There are 3 ways to unlock the account:

  1. Via request call to eTrxSalesLock – this trigger by client system to unlock.
  2. Via the eTrxProcess call – successfully process, WS system itself perform unlock action.
  3. Via WS backend daemon process to unlock it, if the account idle for 15 mins.

Return function

Return – Earned/Utilization of eRC/eAcct

Upon complete return process, online system trigger eTrxProcess WS call to send in the return ( R )request to offset the earned/utilization of eRC or/and utilization of eAcct.

Pass in –ve value for eRC EarnedPoint and UtilizedPoint parameter , and pass in –ve value (in MYR) for eAcct parameter , to offset previous value.

For the return earnedPoint logic, WS system will use passed in OriginalOrderDate to look up on BonusMonth for deduction. If BonusMonth not found, will use FIFO method to deduct.

For the return utilizedPoint logic, the point will return to pool with its expiry date based on the passed in expiry date parameter (which derive from last day of the month of (current date + 1 month)).

Adjustment function (via control center)

online system trigger eTrxProcess WS call to send in Adjustment (A) request:

Upward adjustment of eRC/eAcct

for eRC, will be +ve value for EarnedPoint parameter, and expiryDate based on user input.

for eAcct, will be +ve value for Amt parameter.

Downward adjustment of eRC/eAcct

for eRC, will be +ve value for UtilizedPoint parameter, and expiryDate set as null.

for eAcct, will be -ve value for Amt parameter.

Note: eRC adjustment API also need to cater for eCosway membership, therefore memberType field is needed to indicate Cosway (C) or eCosway (E).

eAcct Withdrawn Request

online system trigger eTrxWithdraw WS call to inform WS system that member request to withdraw all his/her eAcct balance to pay out.

Inv No : REMITYYYYMMDD (Eg: REMIT20161202)

Inv Date : Remit date (Eg: 20161202)

Amount : 0 ( Web Service will bypass this value and take the eAcc balance instead )

Cosway/eCosway Mall – eRC ePin creation/update

online system trigger IMemberPinProcess WS call for ePin creation or update.

new added parameter: memberType to indicate C = Cosway; E = eCosway.

Updated by Soh Keong about 4 years ago · 1 revisions