


Wiki » History » Revision 5

Revision 4 (Soh Keong, 07/02/2024 04:37 PM) → Revision 5/7 (Soh Keong, 07/25/2024 10:59 AM)


 h1. Wiki 

 h2. Specification 

 See [[Specification]] 


 h2. Status Code 

 |_. Interface Code 	 |_. ReturnCode 	 |_. Description |_.Code |_.Message      | 
 |All 	 | 00 	      | SUCCESS       | 
 | 	 | 99 	      | Abnormal      | 
 | 	 | E3001 	 | Outer packet json format is invalid! | 
 | 	 | E3002 	 | content:cannot be empty! | 
 | 	 | E3003 	 | database error! | 
 | 	 | E3004 	 | content:Illegal json format! |  
 | 	 | E3005 	 | pageSize:cannot be empty |  
 | 	 | E3006 	 | pageSize:cannot be greater than the integer 100 |  
 | 	 | E3007 	 | pageNo:cannot be empty |  
 | MY101 	 | 400 	 | BadStructure or MaximumSizeExceeded error |  
 | MY101 	 | 403 	 | IncorrectSubmitter error |  
 | MY101 | 422 	 | Request payload is identical to a previous payload sent in the last 10 Min. Try to submit payload after n seconds. |  
 | MY101 	 | 429 	 | Rate limit is exceeded-->Rate limit is exceeded. Try again in 10 seconds. |  
 | MY101 	 | E1001 	 | submit-documents error |  
 | MY101 	 | E1002 	 | the invoiceCodeNumber is duplicate |  
 | MY101 | E1003 	 | License not authenticated, not valid, or with 0 remaining sheets, automatic invoicing is not allowed |  
 | MY101 	 | E1004 	 | The current invoicing quantity is greater than the remaining invoicable quantity |  
 | MY101 	 | E1005 	 | n successful invoices and m failed invoices |  
 | MY101 	 | E1006 	 | Partial issuer TIN is not authorized. |  
 | MY101 	 | E1007 	 | The issuer TIN's information is required. |  
 | MY101 	 | E1008 	 | The tin contract has expired. |  
 | MY101 	 | E1009 	 | The number of transactions for partial issuer TIN is insufficient. |  
 | MY101 	 | E1010 	 | The number of invoices for partial issuer TIN is insufficient. |  
 | MY101 	 | E1011 	 | The e-Invoice Code Number has been invoiced. |  
 | MY101 	 | E1012 	 | Request message data exception |  
 | MY101 	 | E1013 	 | No issuer information obtained |  
 | MY102,MY104 	 | E1101 	 | issuedDateFrom:format error! |  
 | MY102,MY104 	 | E1102 	 | issuedDateTo:format error! |  
 | MY102 	 | E1103 	 | issuedDateFrom cannot greater than issuedDateTo |  
 | MY102,MY104 	 | E1104 	 | invoiceTypeCode:invalid value |  
 | MY102,MY104 	 | E1105 	 | invoiceStatus:invalid value |  
 | MY102,MY104 	 | E1106 	 | confirmStatusCode:invalid value |  
 | MY103 	 | E1107 	 | cancelCode:cannot be empty! |  
 | MY103 	 | E1108 	 | cancelCode:invalid value |  
 | MY103 	 | E1109 	 | cancelReason:cannot be empty when cancelCode is 3 |  
 | MY103 	 | E1110 	 | cancelReason:Byte length cannot be greater than 1024 |  
 | MY103 	 | E1111 	 | UUID is invalid due to incorrect invoice number or buyer/seller information. |  
 | MY103 	 | E1112 	 | Only valid invoices can be cancelled, please check the selected data. |  
 | MY103 	 | E1113 	 | Cancellation cannot be made after 72 hours. Please check the selected data. |  
 | MY105 	 | E1114 	 | confirmRejectCode:cannot be empty! |  
 | MY105 	 | E1115 	 | confirmRejectCode:invalid value |  
 | MY105 	 | E1116 	 | confirmRejectReason:cannot be empty when confirmRejectCode is 3 |  
 | MY105 	 | E1117 	 | confirmRejectReason:Byte length cannot be greater than 1024 |  
 | MY105 	 | E1118 	 | UUID is invalid due to incorrect invoice number or buyer/seller information. |  
 | MY105 	 | E1119 	 | Only invoices in waiting status can be selected for rejection. Please check the selected data. |  
 | MY105 	 | E1120 	 | UUID is invalid due to incorrect invoice number or buyer/seller information. |  
 | MY105 	 | E1121 	 | Rejection cannot be made after 72 hours. Please check the selected data. |  
 | LOGIN,MY101 	 | L4001 	 | LHDN Login Failed. |  


 h1. Merchant's Account Details 

 h2. Back Office 


 * URL : ** 
 * Portal     : ** 
 * Login ID : ** 
 * Password : ******** 


 * URL = ** 
 * Merchant ID= ** 

 h2. Contact Person: 

 * *Integration/Support Issue:*  
 *Kuan Meng(wechat)*  

 * *API Integration:* 
 ** Kwan, Chooi-Mey [] 
 ** Tan, Soh Keong [] 
 * *Mall Integration:* 
 ** Hann, Chong-Ting [] 

 Host: cwyrnd2-server [IP address:] 
 Path: /cvs/ecoswayNew 
 Module: AisinoLhdn 
 Tag: HEAD 