Specification » History » Revision 17
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Soh Keong, 06/10/2024 09:58 AM
- Table of contents
- Specification
- Programming Guide
Programming Guide¶
Jar version¶
version | Description |
1.0 | Init |
Jar File Download¶
- my.aisino.einvoice.bean
- my.aisino.einvoice.bean.transaction
- my.aisino.einvoice.constant
- my.aisino.einvoice.service
- my.aisino.einvoice.util
properties file¶
- -
Aisino Service¶
my.aisino.einvoice.service.TransactionService service = new my.aisino.einvoice.service.TransactionService();
InvoiceSubmissionResponseBean responseBean = service.submitEInvoice(Connection conn, List<InvoiceSubmissionRequestBean> beanList);
CommonConstant = my.aisino.einvoice.constant.CommonConstant
- conn - Database connection.
- beanList - InvoiceSubmissionRequestBean List.
- orderId
- orderDate - Format(yyyy-MM-dd)
- orderTime - Format(HH:mm:ssZ)
- orderTypeCode - CommonConstant.INVOICE_TYPE_CODE_* (
- currencyCode - CommonConstant.CURRENCY_CODE_* (
- totalExcludingTax
- totalIncludingTax
- totalPayableAmount
- supplierBean
- addressBean
- country - CommonConstant.COUNTRY_* (
- state - CommonConstant.STATE_* (
- city - Max length : 50
- postal - Max length : 50
- address1 - Max length : 150
- address2 - Max length : 150
- address3 - Max length : 150
- contactNumber - Max length : 20
- name - Max length : 300
- registrationBean
- tin
- idType
- idValue
- sst (Optional)
- buyerBean
- addressBean
- country - CommonConstant.COUNTRY_* (
- state - CommonConstant.STATE_* (
- city - Max length : 50
- address1 - Max length : 150
- address2 - Max length : 150
- address3 - Max length : 150
- contactNumber - Max length : 20
- name - Max length : 300
- registrationBean
- brn (Optional)
- tin (Optional)
- nric (Optional)
- passport (Optional)
- army (Optional)
- sst (Optional)
- productList
- productName - Max length : 300
- productCode - Max length : 18
- measurement - CommonConstant.MEASUREMENT_* (
- quantity (Optional)
- totalExcludingTax
- unitPrice
- subtotal
- classificationList
- code - CommonConstant.CLASSIFICATION_CODE_* (
- group - CommonConstant.CLASSIFICATION_GROUP_*
- taxTotalBean
- totalTaxAmount
- taxSubTotalList
- taxType - CommonConstant.TAX_TYPE_* (
- percent (Optional)
- perUnitAmount (Optional)
- measurement (Optional) - CommonConstant.MEASUREMENT_* (
- quantity (Optional)
- netAmount (Optional)
- tax
- taxTotalBean
- totalTaxAmount
- taxSubTotalList
- taxType
- percent
- perUnitAmount
- measurement
- quantity
- netAmount
- tax
3. responseBean
- submissionUid
- acceptedDocumentList
- orderId
- uuid
- rejectedDocumentList
- orderId
- errorList
- code
- message
InvoiceInquiryResponseBean responseBean = service.queryEInvoice(Connection conn, InvoiceInquiryRequestBean bean);
- conn - Database connection.
- bean - Object.
- documentNum
- submissionUid
- invoiceUuid
- invoiceTypeCode
- buyerTin
- buyerName
- supplierTin
- supplierName
- totalAmountFrom
- totalAmountTo
- invoiceStatus
- confirmStatusCode
- issuedDateFrom
- issuedDateTo
- pageIndex (Mandatory)
- pageSize (Mandatory)
3. responseBean
- page
- pageCount
- pageNo
- pageSize
- totalSize
- recordList
- buyerTin
- confirmStatusCode
- currency
- description
- documentNum
- excludingTaxAmount
- includingTaxAmount
- invoiceId
- invoiceStatus
- invoiceTypeCode
- invoiceUuid
- issuedDate
- nowTime
- operationDate
- operator
- pageIndex
- pageNo
- pageSize
- supplierTin
- supplierName
- submissionUid
- transactionId
InvoiceCancelResponseBean responseBean = service.cancelEInvoice(InvoiceCancelRequestBean bean);
- conn - Database connection.
- bean - Object.
- cancelCode - CommonConstant.CANCEL_CODE_*
- cancelReason - (Mandatory for CommonConstant.CANCEL_CODE_OTHERS)
- invoiceIds - List of Integer
3. responseBean
- success - true / false
Updated by Soh Keong 8 months ago · 17 revisions