Specification » History » Revision 12
Revision 11 (Soh Keong, 10/26/2020 09:29 AM) → Revision 12/23 (Soh Keong, 10/26/2020 09:33 AM)
{{toc}} h1. Specification h2. Programming Guide h3. Jar version |_. version |_. Description | | 2.8 | Init | | 2.8.1 | Fixed shipping error | h3. Jar File Download "Jar":/redmine/attachments/download/488/BVService-2.8.1.jar "Lib":/redmine/attachments/download/484/lib.rar "Properties":/redmine/attachments/download/485/service.properties h3. properties file * *service.properties* # *json.url.mom* - Provided by POS # *json.key* - Provided by POS # *aes.key* - Provided by POS # *connection.timeout* - Set connection timeout # *connection.read.timeout* - Set connection red timeout h2. flow chart !cancelFlow.jpg! h2. Methods h3. Common Instance <pre> com.bv.ws.service.MomService service = new com.bv.ws.service.MomService(); </pre> h3. getMomBeanByOrderId / getCancelMomByOrderId / getRegistrationBeanByOrderId / getCancelRegistrationBeanByOrderId / getRenewalBeanByOrderId / getCancelRenewalBeanByOrderId <pre> com.bv.ws.model.MomBean momBean = service.getMomBeanByOrderId(Connection connStore, String orderId); com.bv.ws.model.MomBean momBean = service.getCancelMomByOrderId(Connection connUsa, Connection connStore, String orderId); com.bv.ws.model.MomBean momBean = service.getRegistrationBeanByOrderId(Connection conn, String orderId) com.bv.ws.model.MomBean momBean = service.getCancelRegistrationBeanByOrderId(Connection conn, String orderId) com.bv.ws.model.MomBean momBean = service.getRenewalBeanByOrderId (Connection conn, String orderId) com.bv.ws.model.MomBean momBean = service.getCancelRenewalBeanByOrderId(Connection conn, String orderId) </pre> "com.bv.ws.model.MomBean":/redmine/projects/aces/wiki/Specification#Common-Bean-MomBean h3. addOrder <pre> com.bv.ws.model.ResultBean addOrder(MomBean bean) </pre> "com.bv.ws.model.MomBean":/redmine/projects/aces/wiki/Specification#Common-Bean-MomBean * *com.bv.ws.model.ResultBean* > * *errCode* - String > * *errMessage* - String h3. checkShippingStatus <pre> com.bv.ws.model.QueryResultBean resutlBean = service.checkShippingStatus(QueryOrderBean checkShippingStatus(QueryOrderBean bean) </pre> * *com.bv.ws.model.QueryOrderBean * > * *orderId* - String > * *countryCode* - String * *com.bv.ws.model.QueryResultBean* > * *errCode* - String > * *errMessage* - String > * *invoiceStatus* - String ("return" = good had return : empty = yet return) > * *shipped* - boolean h3. updateCancelRequestBeforeApproval / cancelCancelRequest <pre> com.bv.ws.model.ResultBean resultBean = service.updateCancelRequestBeforeApproval(UpdateOrderBean bean) com.bv.ws.model.ResultBean resultBean = service.cancelCancelRequest(UpdateOrderBean bean) com.bv.ws.model.ResultBean resultBean = service.updateCancelRequestAfterApproval(UpdateOrderBean bean) com.bv.ws.model.ResultBean resultBean = service.updateCancelStatus(UpdateOrderBean bean) </pre> * *com.bv.ws.model.UpdateOrderBean* > * *orderId* - String > * *countryCode* - String > * *stockistCode* - String > * *orderList* - String >> * *orderId* - String >> * *cancelRequest* - String (NO NEED to set value, auto fixed by calling difference method) NOTE: R=Before Approval; Y=After Approval; >> * *orderStatus* -String (default to 'cancel') * *com.bv.ws.model.ResultBean* > * *errCode* - String > * *errMessage* - String h3. getShippingCountryByOrderId <pre> String shippingCountry = service.getShippingCountryByOrderId(Connection connStore, String orderId); </pre> h3. Common Bean - MomBean * *com.bv.ws.model.MomBean* > * *orderId* - String > * *countryCode* - String > * *deliveryAddress* - String > * *memberIc* - String > * *telNo* - String > * *receiverName* - String > * *stockistCode* - String > * *orderDate* - Date > * *memberId* - String > * *invoiceAmount* - double > * *processDate* - Date > * *collectorName* - String > * *collectorIc* - String > * *collectorContact* - String > * *deliveryType* - String > * *pickupStore* - String > * *approvalCode* - String > * *freightCharges* - double > * *purchaserName* - String > * *ewalletAdminFee* - double > * *currency* - String > * *originalOrdNo* - String > * *onlineMall* - String > * *warehouse* - String > * *lossFee* - double > * *productList* >> * *setId* - String >> * *productId* - String >> * *productType* - String >> * *quantity* - int >> * *setSold* - int >> * *productPrice* - double >> * *deductStock* - String >> * *childPrice* - double >> * *childTotalPrice* - double