Bug #83
closedOnline Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
Order Number is parseInt/long and check/compare from the list of number range, to determine belongs to which mall.
In this migration, order number will be alphanumeric, that it will hit error or fail to be checked from this kind of checking, example:
long iOrder = Long.parseLong(orderNum);
if (iOrder >= 400000000 && iOrder <= 419999999)//HK Mall
keepOriginalPurcQU = true;
else if (iOrder >= 440000000 && iOrder <= 459999999)//Aus Mall & Ind Mall
keepOriginalPurcQU = true;
To make it consistent for future alphanumeric order number case, can consider remain this logic checking by using customize comparator for the string value. For reference: http://code.hammerpig.com/sort-strings-numbers-java.html. Or have better resolution, if any.
Search thru all related project to find any impacted program via this:
1) Search file with text "400000000", scan trhu the search result to find files with such logic checking.
Updated by chin-yeh almost 14 years ago
- Assignee changed from chin-yeh to Chee-Hoong
can you search through the codes in both online mall and offline batches to check if the problem described above is been fixed?
Updated by chin-yeh almost 14 years ago
please find out those affected files first and list it here.
Updated by Chooi-Mey almost 14 years ago
- Assignee changed from Chee-Hoong to chin-yeh
Resolution for this issue: perform digit validation checking on order number, before proceed next step of parseInt/parseLong. Do not need to perform string compare type of checking.
Reason: Current number range checking only applicable on existing mall which will remain with order number in full digit. For new mall, mall determination will be based on prefix/suffix, instead of number range.
Updated by chin-yeh almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Resolution set to Fixed
- my.com.powersys.admin.suppBpFulFill - fixed
- admin/order_BP_viewOrderDetail.jsp - fixed
the other files are either handled by SQL query or using existing utility to parsing order number between integer and string.