



Feature #79


conduct trial run on offline batches

Added by chin-yeh over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

offline batches
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


conduct daily trial run for offline batches. It's been scheduled to run from 8-Feb to 11-Feb

  • schedule to run at 12PM according to the scheduled date(s).
  • copy the offline data files from the shared folder which located at cwyrnd2-server prior the trial run
Actions #1

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

8-Feb's result:
  1. DailyEV - hang
  2. genMthlyEacctMovement - hang
Actions #2

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

chin-yeh wrote:

8-Feb's result:
  1. DailyEV - hang
  2. genMthlyEacctMovement - hang

re-run genMthlyEacctMovement and completed without any error.

Actions #3

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

due to that too many hard-coded emails in the programs, the email sending is disabled from today onward.

Actions #4

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

chin-yeh wrote:

chin-yeh wrote:

8-Feb's result:
  1. DailyEV - hang
  2. genMthlyEacctMovement - hang

re-run genMthlyEacctMovement and completed without any error.

test result for re-run onDailyEV:
  • cwyapp1 (app) + cwyapp1(db) = completed in about 4 hours
  • cwyapp1 (app) + cwydb1(db with order ID converted) = completed in about 11 hours
    • the CPU clock speed is slower than cwyapp1 and the loads on cwydb1 is higher than cwyapp1 as well

Based on the test result of the DailyEV, the program will run much faster if point to the cwyapp1 server. The is because of the more powerful CPU and low server load.

Actions #5

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

9-Feb's result:
  1. DailyEV - Took long time to complete (about 11-14 hours).
10-Feb's result:
  1. not available because was debugging the DailyEV program.
Actions #6

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Resolution set to Fixed
11-Feb's result:
  • DailyEV - skipped as it takes long time to complete
  • OfflineTransaction - failed
  • DailyProductCancelUsa - failed

re-run those programs which's failed and completed without any error

Actions #7

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
  • Resolution deleted (Fixed)
force run the following programs which run monthly or on specific date:
  • WeeklyEAccountAdjReport
  • MonthlyOfferAdjustment
  • MonthlyDVAdjustment
  • GenMonthlyEaccountTransferSubmissionRpt
  • GenMonthlyEaccountTransferWithSIRpt
  • MonthlyGSTSalesReportOnline
  • MonthEndProcess 2
  • AutoExtendExpiry
  • GenReminderFiles
  • AutoRenewalGrouping L
  • OfflineCorrection
  • PSTrans
  • PSRenewalReport
  • SaveNetwork U
  • ResetISOReserve
  • genAutoRenewBO
  • FloatEV
  • TerminateShopper
  • TerminateShopperSponsorAdjust
  • SaveNetwork I
  • ConvertTerminatedBo2DeletedBo
  • ConvertLapsedBo2Shopper
  • MonthEndProcess 3
  • ECenterIncomeRpt
  • MonthlyRpt 1
  • MonthlyRpt 2
  • MonthlyRpt 3
  • MonthlyRpt 4
  • MonthlyRpt 7
  • MonthlyRpt 12
  • MonthlyRpt 13
  • MonthlyRpt 14
  • MonthlyRpt 15
  • MonthlyRpt 17
  • MonthlyRpt 19
  • CalEacctMthlyIncome
  • genMthlyEacctMovement
  • geneCenterMovementReport
  • MasterSalesReport
  • AdjustmentSummary
  • InvitedVIP
  • VIPReport
  • GenAgingReportEAccount
  • GenAgingReportRefundEAccount
  • services.ExportBonusPaymentJob
  • services.ExportAusBonusPayment
  • bonusRpt 1
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 158
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 156
  • genTransfer
  • genShopper
  • GenStatementFile B
  • GenStatementFile P
  • GenStatementFile C
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 360
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 158
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 344
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 446
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 764
  • GenMonthlyRPMovement
  • GenISMailingList
  • GenTotalNumberBOReport
  • GenCreditCardOnlineSales
  • StatusReport
  • FreightReport
  • ComputeEcenterCloseBalance
  • ComputeEcenterCommission
  • ComputeEcenterCommissionChina
  • MonthlyReportECos 1
  • MonthlyReportECos 2
  • MonthlyReportECos 4
  • MonthlyReportECos 5
  • MonthlyReportECos 6
  • MonthlyReportECos 7
  • MonthlyReportECos 8
  • MonthlyReportECos 3
  • AUBOMasterProfitReport
  • ISOPurcProfitQU
  • MonthEndProcess 1
  • FinanceAuditReport
  • VIPTermination
  • SendBOCancelWithoutISOReversalRpt
  • CalcRefundAccount
  • NetworkHisTrace
  • FamilyTreeTrace
  • OfflineCVPTransaction
  • offlineEVReward
Actions #8

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

Latest pending list:
  • OffLineShopperSHM TW
  • OfflineAutoRenewal
  • AutoRenewalGrouping L
  • OfflineCorrection
  • PSTrans
  • PSRenewalReport
  • SaveNetwork U
  • ResetISOReserve
  • genAutoRenewBO
  • FloatEV
  • TerminateShopper
  • TerminateShopperSponsorAdjust
  • SaveNetwork I
  • ConvertTerminatedBo2DeletedBo
  • ConvertLapsedBo2Shopper
  • MonthEndProcess 3
  • ECenterIncomeRpt
  • MonthlyRpt 1
  • MonthlyRpt 2
  • MonthlyRpt 3
  • MonthlyRpt 4
  • MonthlyRpt 7
  • MonthlyRpt 12
  • MonthlyRpt 13
  • MonthlyRpt 14
  • MonthlyRpt 15
  • MonthlyRpt 17
  • MonthlyRpt 19
  • CalEacctMthlyIncome
  • genMthlyEacctMovement
  • geneCenterMovementReport
  • MasterSalesReport
  • AdjustmentSummary
  • InvitedVIP
  • VIPReport
  • GenAgingReportEAccount
  • GenAgingReportRefundEAccount
  • services.ExportBonusPaymentJob
  • services.ExportAusBonusPayment
  • bonusRpt 1
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 158
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 156
  • genTransfer
  • genShopper
  • GenStatementFile B
  • GenStatementFile P
  • GenStatementFile C
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 360
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 158
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 344
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 446
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 764
  • GenMonthlyRPMovement
  • GenISMailingList
  • GenTotalNumberBOReport
  • GenCreditCardOnlineSales
  • StatusReport
  • FreightReport
  • ComputeEcenterCloseBalance
  • ComputeEcenterCommission
  • ComputeEcenterCommissionChina
  • MonthlyReportECos 1
  • MonthlyReportECos 2
  • MonthlyReportECos 4
  • MonthlyReportECos 5
  • MonthlyReportECos 6
  • MonthlyReportECos 7
  • MonthlyReportECos 8
  • MonthlyReportECos 3
  • AUBOMasterProfitReport
  • ISOPurcProfitQU
  • MonthEndProcess 1
  • FinanceAuditReport
  • VIPTermination
  • SendBOCancelWithoutISOReversalRpt
  • CalcRefundAccount
  • NetworkHisTrace
  • FamilyTreeTrace
  • OfflineCVPTransaction
  • offlineEVReward
Actions #9

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 100 to 50
Actions #10

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

Pending to test:
  • MonthEndProcess 3
  • ECenterIncomeRpt
  • MonthlyRpt 1
  • MonthlyRpt 2
  • MonthlyRpt 3
  • MonthlyRpt 4
  • MonthlyRpt 7
  • MonthlyRpt 12
  • MonthlyRpt 13
  • MonthlyRpt 14
  • MonthlyRpt 15
  • MonthlyRpt 17
  • MonthlyRpt 19
  • CalEacctMthlyIncome
  • genMthlyEacctMovement
  • geneCenterMovementReport
  • MasterSalesReport
  • AdjustmentSummary
  • InvitedVIP
  • VIPReport
  • GenAgingReportEAccount
  • GenAgingReportRefundEAccount
  • services.ExportBonusPaymentJob
  • services.ExportAusBonusPayment
  • bonusRpt 1
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 158
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 156
  • genTransfer
  • genShopper
  • GenStatementFile B
  • GenStatementFile P
  • GenStatementFile C
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 360
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 158
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 344
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 446
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 764
  • GenMonthlyRPMovement
  • GenISMailingList
  • GenTotalNumberBOReport
  • GenCreditCardOnlineSales
  • StatusReport
  • FreightReport
  • ComputeEcenterCloseBalance
  • ComputeEcenterCommission
  • ComputeEcenterCommissionChina
  • MonthlyReportECos 1
  • MonthlyReportECos 2
  • MonthlyReportECos 4
  • MonthlyReportECos 5
  • MonthlyReportECos 6
  • MonthlyReportECos 7
  • MonthlyReportECos 8
  • MonthlyReportECos 3
  • AUBOMasterProfitReport
  • ISOPurcProfitQU
  • MonthEndProcess 1
  • FinanceAuditReport
  • VIPTermination
  • SendBOCancelWithoutISOReversalRpt
  • CalcRefundAccount
  • NetworkHisTrace
  • FamilyTreeTrace
  • OfflineCVPTransaction
  • offlineEVReward
Actions #11

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

Latest pending list:
  • genMthlyEacctMovement
  • geneCenterMovementReport
  • MasterSalesReport
  • AdjustmentSummary
  • InvitedVIP
  • VIPReport
  • GenAgingReportEAccount
  • GenAgingReportRefundEAccount
  • services.ExportBonusPaymentJob
  • services.ExportAusBonusPayment
  • bonusRpt 1
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 158
  • bonusRpt_byCountry 156
  • genTransfer
  • genShopper
  • GenStatementFile B
  • GenStatementFile P
  • GenStatementFile C
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 360
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 158
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 344
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 446
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 764
  • GenMonthlyRPMovement
  • GenISMailingList
  • GenTotalNumberBOReport
  • GenCreditCardOnlineSales
  • StatusReport
  • FreightReport
  • ComputeEcenterCloseBalance
  • ComputeEcenterCommission
  • ComputeEcenterCommissionChina
  • MonthlyReportECos 1
  • MonthlyReportECos 2
  • MonthlyReportECos 4
  • MonthlyReportECos 5
  • MonthlyReportECos 6
  • MonthlyReportECos 7
  • MonthlyReportECos 8
  • MonthlyReportECos 3
  • AUBOMasterProfitReport
  • ISOPurcProfitQU
  • MonthEndProcess 1
  • FinanceAuditReport
  • VIPTermination
  • SendBOCancelWithoutISOReversalRpt
  • CalcRefundAccount
  • NetworkHisTrace
  • FamilyTreeTrace
  • OfflineCVPTransaction
  • offlineEVReward
Actions #12

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 50 to 70
Latest pending list:
  • GenStatementFile B
  • GenStatementFile P
  • GenStatementFile C
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 360
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 158
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 344
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 446
  • GenStatementFile_ByCountry 764
  • GenMonthlyRPMovement
  • GenISMailingList
  • GenTotalNumberBOReport
  • GenCreditCardOnlineSales
  • StatusReport
  • FreightReport
  • ComputeEcenterCloseBalance
  • ComputeEcenterCommission
  • ComputeEcenterCommissionChina
  • MonthlyReportECos 1
  • MonthlyReportECos 2
  • MonthlyReportECos 4
  • MonthlyReportECos 5
  • MonthlyReportECos 6
  • MonthlyReportECos 7
  • MonthlyReportECos 8
  • MonthlyReportECos 3
  • AUBOMasterProfitReport
  • ISOPurcProfitQU
  • MonthEndProcess 1
  • FinanceAuditReport
  • VIPTermination
  • SendBOCancelWithoutISOReversalRpt
  • CalcRefundAccount
  • NetworkHisTrace
  • FamilyTreeTrace
  • OfflineCVPTransaction
  • offlineEVReward
Actions #13

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 80
Latest pending list:
  • MonthEndProcess 1
  • SendBOCancelWithoutISOReversalRpt
  • CalcRefundAccount
  • NetworkHisTrace
  • FamilyTreeTrace
  • OfflineCVPTransaction
  • offlineEVReward
Actions #14

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 90
Latest pending list:
  • FamilyTreeTrace
Actions #15

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Resolution set to Fixed
Actions #16

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF