



Bug #76


Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format

Added by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

eCosway mall
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


17:29:11,494 INFO  [STDOUT] DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -206, SQLSTATE: 42703, SQLERRMC: SUF402410617
17:29:11,495 ERROR [STDERR] wpwong: 31-01-2011 05:29:11: shopperRefundGoods: Insert transaction_BP_rtn, sql error=INSERT INTO transaction_BP_rtn  (TRX_REF_NO, TRX_ORDER_NO, TRX_ESALES, TRX_TYPE, TRX_CODE,  TRX_DESC, TRX_STATUS, USER_ID, POST_IND, SOURCE,  PO_REF, TRX_DATE, SHOPPER_ID, SUPPLIER_ID, UPD_IND, TRX_PT,  TRX_QU, REASON_CODE,TRX_AMT,TRX_AMT_LOCAL,  MERCHANT_ID, QTY_RTN, PROD_REFNO_RTN, FIRST_INV_QU, PURC_VALUE_QU,  TRX_EV_APPLIED, member_id, trx_time, refund_remarks, rtn_type, rtn_mode, rtn_freight_charges, rtn_custom_duty, rtn_service_tax,  comp_ind, compute_ind, trx_point, exch_rate, currency_type, sponsor_id,  other_charges, other_charge_USD, TOTAL_SP_EARNED, TOTAL_SP_UTILIZED,TOTAL_VP2_EARNED, TOTAL_VP2_UTILIZED, cl_date_fr, coy_id, iso_ind,total_rp_earned,total_rp_utilized,total_rp1_earned,total_rp1_utilized)  VALUES( 53039923,SUF402410617,-20.0,'T', '1800','Refund','P','CN857380','N','M','PO000007172910 ',current date,null,'CHC5026','Y',0.0, -20.00,'I change my mind',8.650000,67.440000,30273,1.0,00000000,0,-20.00,-20.0,'CN857380', current timestamp,null,'F',null,0.00,0.00,0.00,'N','N',0.00,7.800000,'HKD',null,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,'2010-11-04 00:00:00.000','SUF402410617',null,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)
Actions #1

Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago

Error hit during perform return submission.

Actions #2

Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago

  • Due date set to 02/08/2011
Actions #3

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from chin-yeh to Chee-Hoong
Steps to reproduce:
  1. login to My Account
  2. go to My Orders -> Refund Merchandise - REFUND
  3. enter any alphanumeric order no, e.g. SUF1234556 into the input box with Order No. selected
    • get the full error stack from log file
Actions #4

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

do fix this bug also:

17:29:11,494 INFO  [STDOUT] DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -206, SQLSTATE: 42703, SQLERRMC: SUF402410617
17:29:11,495 ERROR [STDERR] wpwong: 31-01-2011 05:29:11: shopperRefundGoods: Insert transaction_BP_rtn, sql error=INSERT INTO transaction_BP_rtn  (TRX_REF_NO, TRX_ORDER_NO, TRX_ESALES, TRX_TYPE, TRX_CODE,  TRX_DESC, TRX_STATUS, USER_ID, POST_IND, SOURCE,  PO_REF, TRX_DATE, SHOPPER_ID, SUPPLIER_ID, UPD_IND, TRX_PT,  TRX_QU, REASON_CODE,TRX_AMT,TRX_AMT_LOCAL,  MERCHANT_ID, QTY_RTN, PROD_REFNO_RTN, FIRST_INV_QU, PURC_VALUE_QU,  TRX_EV_APPLIED, member_id, trx_time, refund_remarks, rtn_type, rtn_mode, rtn_freight_charges, rtn_custom_duty, rtn_service_tax,  comp_ind, compute_ind, trx_point, exch_rate, currency_type, sponsor_id,  other_charges, other_charge_USD, TOTAL_SP_EARNED, TOTAL_SP_UTILIZED,TOTAL_VP2_EARNED, TOTAL_VP2_UTILIZED, cl_date_fr, coy_id, iso_ind,total_rp_earned,total_rp_utilized,total_rp1_earned,total_rp1_utilized)  VALUES( 53039923,SUF402410617,-20.0,'T', '1800','Refund','P','CN857380','N','M','PO000007172910 ',current date,null,'CHC5026','Y',0.0, -20.00,'I change my mind',8.650000,67.440000,30273,1.0,00000000,0,-20.00,-20.0,'CN857380', current timestamp,null,'F',null,0.00,0.00,0.00,'N','N',0.00,7.800000,'HKD',null,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,'2010-11-04 00:00:00.000','SUF402410617',null,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00)

Actions #5

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee changed from Chee-Hoong to chin-yeh

sql insert fixed

Actions #6

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from chin-yeh to Chee-Hoong

please double check if it's been fixed

Actions #7

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Chee-Hoong to chin-yeh

sql fixed, class file redeployed and web.xml touched

Actions #8

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from chin-yeh to Chee-Hoong
no more insert SQL error now. however, can you check which part of codes are causing the following error:
  • go to My Orders -> Refund Merchandise - REFUND -> click the link
    15:59:18,419 ERROR [STDERR] bp_bo_refundMechandiseView.jsp: For input string: "SUF402462598" 
Actions #9

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to In Progress
  • Assignee changed from Chee-Hoong to chin-yeh

No problem found on code

Actions #10

Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • Assignee changed from chin-yeh to Chooi-Mey
  • Resolution set to Fixed

the problems have been fixed and verified

Actions #11

Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100



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