Feature #21
closedsimulate all of the configured alarm traps
simulate the following configured traps:
1) average load
2) swap usage
3) disk space usage
4) jboss's heap memory usage
5) jboss's perm gen usage
Updated by chin-yeh over 14 years ago
chin-yeh wrote:
simulate the following configured traps:
- average load
- swap usage
- disk space usage
- jboss's heap memory usage
- jboss's perm gen usage
- db2 connect
- ecosway application
- dot com
- dot biz
- third party system
- ups
- avatax
- jdbc connection pool
Updated by chin-yeh over 14 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- Assignee changed from chin-yeh to Chooi-Mey
all of the configured alarms are tested and the email notification will be sent to this 2 email a/c, Test Email Account.
Please verify if those configured alarms met the requirement.