Feature #156
closedMexico Bank File
- Requirement: CR details - Refer to src\ALL CR\Mexico\Change Request\MX-CR-0005 - Mexico Bank File.doc
- File Format: in UTF-8
- Additional info:
No minimum amount.
For the bank code, if value = 633 (Banamex), generate into MXBanamex_mmyyyy.txt; Else, generate into MXOthers_mmyyyy.txt
For Bank account holder name, max length checking is required and only alphabet is allowed.
For Individual tab/TEF transaction reference field, the proposed value format change to ‘ddddddDDMMYY’ (dddddd refer to sequence number)
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 20 years ago
- [Individual Record] TEF Transaction Reference - change to format "ECOSWAYMXMMMYY". MMMYY refer to profit month.
- [Individual Record] Application Term - change to Banamex - '00'; Other Bank - '24'
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 12 years ago
Chooi-Mey wrote:
Mexico Bank file generation:
- Requirement: CR details - Refer to src\ALL CR\Mexico\Change Request\MX-CR-0005 - Mexico Bank File.doc
- File Format: in UTF-8
- Additional info:
- No minimum amount.
- For the bank code, if value = 633 (Banamex), generate into MXBanamex_mmyyyy.txt; Else, generate into MXOthers_mmyyyy.txt
- For Bank account holder name, max length checking is required and only alphabet is allowed.
- For Individual tab/TEF transaction reference field, the proposed value format change to ‘ddddddDDMMYY’ (dddddd refer to sequence number)
Updated by Soh Keong over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Resolution set to Fixed
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 12 years ago
- if banamex bank code, must be 11 digits;
- if other bank code, must be 18 digits;
- Else, capture into exception list.
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 12 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Feedback
- 1) [Global Record]Account Number field (pos 30-49) change to "00000000000003292001"
- 2) [Individual Record] Account Number field (pos 26-45) :
- For both banamex and others bank selection, validate account number length must be 18 digits. If not, throw into exception report.
- For banamax bank selection, take the user's account number value from position 7 to 17 for the 11 digits value and right justified filled with zero, for this field.
- For Others bank selection, take the full 18 digits value for this field.
- 3) [Individual Record] TEF transaction reference (pos 46-85), change to format "ddddDDMMYY".
- 4) {Individual Record] Bank Code (pos 205-208), put "0000" for banamex bank selection.
Updated by Soh Keong almost 12 years ago
Banamex file (MXbanamex):
1) [Control Record] Payment date – will be system generated date. MX finance need to change it accordingly
2) [Total Record] Number of debits – set to ‘000001’.
3) [Individual Record] TEF transaction reference – set to ‘000000mmyy’; mmyy refer to profit month & year. Left justified pad with space at the back.
(From the req excel sheet: For the case of check accounts, credit cards and payment orders it will be 10 numeric positions. Other 30 spaces fill with blank spaces.)
4) [Individual Record] Payment Reference – right justified with ‘0’ pad in front. Example: ‘001508’ become ‘0001508’
Others file (MXOthers):
1) [Control Record] Payment date – will be system generated date. MX finance need to change it accordingly
2) [Total Record] Number of debits – set to ‘000001’.
3) [Individual Record] TEF transaction reference – remain as ‘ECOSWAYMXMMMyy’; MMMYY refer to profit month & year. Left justified pad with space at the back.
4) [Individual Record] Payment Reference – right justified with ‘0’ pad in front. Example: ‘001508’ become ‘0001508’