



Feature #133


[EC-CR-1270] put those lapsed VIP into exception report

Added by chin-yeh over 12 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


The first part of the CR is already implemented in #132.

The second part of the CR is to put those lapsed VIP (who earned DP) into the exception report:
  • those requirement mentioned in the issue 118 have to be remained
  • the reason message for those lapsed VIP (who earned DP) is, Lapse Status in profit_month
    • where profit_month is the profit month of the report

This change should take effect on next profit month, which could be on 24-Jan.


DP_PROFIT_102011.txt (2.85 MB) DP_PROFIT_102011.txt Chee-Hoong, 01/04/2012 11:22 AM
DP_PROFIT_EXCEPTION_102011.csv (6.26 KB) DP_PROFIT_EXCEPTION_102011.csv Chee-Hoong, 01/04/2012 11:22 AM
DP_PROFIT_FINANCE_REFERENCE_102011.xls (527 KB) DP_PROFIT_FINANCE_REFERENCE_102011.xls Chee-Hoong, 01/04/2012 11:23 AM
DP_PROFIT_EXCEPTION_102011.csv (6.79 KB) DP_PROFIT_EXCEPTION_102011.csv Chee-Hoong, 01/04/2012 05:04 PM
DP_PROFIT_FINANCE_REFERENCE_102011.xls (527 KB) DP_PROFIT_FINANCE_REFERENCE_102011.xls Chee-Hoong, 01/04/2012 05:04 PM
DP_PROFIT_102011.txt (2.85 MB) DP_PROFIT_102011.txt Chee-Hoong, 01/04/2012 05:04 PM
DP.rar (288 KB) DP.rar Chee-Hoong, 01/10/2012 09:54 AM
DPold.rar (289 KB) DPold.rar Chee-Hoong, 01/10/2012 09:54 AM
DP_PROFIT_122011.txt (3.38 MB) DP_PROFIT_122011.txt Chee-Hoong, 02/02/2012 10:43 AM
DP_PROFIT_FINANCE_REFERENCE_122011.xls (614 KB) DP_PROFIT_FINANCE_REFERENCE_122011.xls Chee-Hoong, 02/02/2012 10:44 AM
DP_PROFIT_EXCEPTION_122011.csv (6.37 KB) DP_PROFIT_EXCEPTION_122011.csv Chee-Hoong, 02/02/2012 10:44 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Feature #132: exclude lapsed VIP from DP profit batch fileClosedChee-Hoong12/21/201112/23/2011

Actions #1

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

provides the following expected output files before the due date:
  • DP_PROFIT_MMyyyy.txt

those files will be used to verify against the actual generated files.

Actions #2

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

here is the report generated.
including new request (VIP lapsed staus in exception report)

Actions #5

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

the format of the reason message for lapsed VIP who have earned DP is:

Lapse Status in profit_month

where profit_month is the profit month of the report

Actions #6

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

profit month in MMyyyy?

Actions #7

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

use the value in the data_month column (vip_network table), e.g.:

Lapse Status in yyyy-MM-dd

Lapse Status in 2011-11-30

Actions #8

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

here is the yyyy-MM-dd format report

Actions #10

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

Actions #11

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

As reported by ting-ting, those exception records, e.g. lapsed VIP, appeared in the FINANCE_REPORT. The latest code may have fixed this bug but you need to provide the following sets of files for verification purpose:
  • first set (contains bug)
    • DP_PROFIT_MMyyyy.txt
  • second set (bug fixed)
    • DP_PROFIT_MMyyyy.txt

The above files must be generated using the batch program.

After reviewed the latest commit codes, please rectify the following items:
  • close all database resources, e.g. prepared statement, result set
  • close all opened streams, e.g. input stream
Actions #12

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

all files and db resources is properly closed. code changes is commited.
veryfing the generated report now

Actions #13

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

Chee-Hoong wrote:

all files and db resources is properly closed. code changes is commited.
veryfing the generated report now

Every stream object, which have been opened have to be closed even it is properties file. please check again.

Actions #14

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

the code is just commited again.
only found 1 filewriter object that not been closed in writeLog() method.
no idea for files and properties object in setConfigParamateres() method.

Actions #15

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

How about this?:

p.load(new FileInputStream(myFile));

To trace this kind of problem, just check what IO packages the program is using.

BTW, are the sets of files that I mentioned earlier ready? Just compress all of them into one file and upload it here.

Also, please update the due date of this issue. This is the date you must get this patch deployed to production environment. To catch up the deadline, try not to do any micro-refactoring on the program.

Actions #16

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

The programm will be deploy within this week & latest by friday.
here is the attached zip folder
the first set (contains bug) attached with "DPold.rar"
second set (bug fixed attached with "DP.rar"

Actions #17

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

Actions #18

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

can i just instantiate a new object and close it?
the object will be the arg for p.load(<inputStreamObject>) as well.

Actions #19

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

  • Due date changed from 01/09/2012 to 01/13/2012

Google the basic of Java IO:

Chee-Hoong wrote:

can i just instantiate a new object and close it?
the object will be the arg for p.load(<inputStreamObject>) as well.

I set the due date to 13-Jan and inform me at least 1-day in advance before deployment for code review purpose.

Actions #20

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

the stream is closed.

Actions #21

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

if not more required changes the program is ready to be deployed

Actions #22

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Go ahead.

After deployed, just give us the list of file(s) you have deployed and the deployed date.

Actions #23

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

the file GenDirectProfit.class is uploaded on 12/1/2012 11:10 am

Actions #24

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

Chee-Hoong wrote:

the file GenDirectProfit.class is uploaded on 12/1/2012 11:10 am

Based on the commit history, this is not the only file you have modified. Please check if you've deployed the correct files.

Actions #25

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

the CurrencyBean.class is deployed to production by 12/01/2012 02:15 pm

Actions #26

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Once those files have been generated in production, get someone (if I'm not around) to download it for you and then upload it here.

Actions #27

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

getting soon

Actions #28

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 12 years ago

as requested, generated reports are attached here

Actions #31

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Resolution set to Fixed



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