Feature #125
closedmPay Profit Payment Bank File
1) Generate MPAY fund distribution bank file for BO profit payment, to replace IPS (Due to eCosway is suspended by IPS).
2) File Format:
File Extension: CSV
File Delimiter: Comma (,)
File Encoding: UTF-8
File Format: Refer to attachment sample file.
3) Only BO selected bank located within China (156)
4) Split the file batch if remitted amount is exceed HKD200K
5) Only remitted amount is exceed HKD200 is pay out via MPay bank file.
6) Exchange Rate is based on HKD currency.
System Changes:
1) Modify ExportBonusPaymentJob program to add in new method.
2) Build a Excel Macro (based on previous IPSExportData.xls) to support MPay bank file format, which to be used by Finance for Exchange rate conversion from HKD to RMB, before upload to MPAY system for payout. Refer to attachment of the Excel Macro.
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
- Due date set to 09/22/2011
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Pending MPay enhance their system to support bank file format in CSV (UTF-8 Encoding), to be ready by 22 Sept 2011 morning.
Excel Macro is ready and sent to Finance user to verify test.
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
4) Split the file batch if remitted amount is exceed HKD6300
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
- File FundDistribution_MerchantToMpay_sample_v2.csv FundDistribution_MerchantToMpay_sample_v2.csv added
- File MPayExportData_ver2.xls added
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
1) Change the maximum limit from 6300 to 7000.
2) MPAY is in HKD currency
3) Change the File Format by added in currency (HKD) and merchant remark column (store Member ID).
4) Change the first column from counter to merchant transaction no in format yyyyMM<3 digit of File Batch #><6 digit of Record #>. Example: 201105001000001
5) Modify Excel program to adapt MPay File Format. Uploaded version 2.0.
Latest program has been deployed to Production and ready to be run.
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
Requirement Changes:
1)Program will generate the MPAY bank file with records combined profit amount below or equal HKD7000. (only 1 bank file).
2) For those combined profit amount exceed HKD7000, will capture into a special ExceedAmt report (for finance reference), and also will be captured into Exception report (as other case like bank details not provided etc).
3) Finance will refer to this special report and exception report (also those rejected case by bank upload), to compile the list of records that need to do eAccount Adjustment, and by follow current eAcc Adjustment procedure, that send to TPM to load and process accordingly, to adjust the eAccount balance in the system.
Changes implemented and deployed to production on 30 Sept 2011.
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
- File MPayExportData_ver3.xls MPayExportData_ver3.xls added
Excel Macro Changes:
Add 2 columns: Member Contact and Member Address for Input Sheet.
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
- File deleted (
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
Requirement Changes:
1) Remove the checking on amount > HKD7000 as MPay system allow uploaded file with transaction over HKD7000, without the need to provide receiver ID image, but with the extra receiver contact info (contact no and address) to be provided within the uploaded bank file.
2) Changes on file format: Add in 2 columns: Phone no, address.
3) Validation checking on empty value of Member Phone no and Address for Amount Exceed HKD7000.
Condition rule from MPay:
1) If all transactions provided with personal ID number, Tel & address - it can be accepted for 1 batch file. If there is 5k transactions for a batch, it would take 3 to 10 days to complete the process. [Please make sure to state the T&C clearly to your members]
2) The upper limit for each Transaction is RMB 1million
3) For Japanese customers in China, they will open bank account with English input normally. Thus, they can put their English name. Or more specific - to put the name input for bank account opening
Updated by Chooi-Mey almost 13 years ago
Format change for the content of "Bank Branch Name". The "Branch Name" should not included the "Bank Name" value.
For example, if the bank name is "招商银行", previously the branch name is "招商银行江苏省常州分行" with old format that the branch name included the bank name (the frist 4 Chinese characters). So new changes of format of branch name should be "江苏省常州分行" only.