Feature #119
closedSales Return Web Services
1) Build the DP client interface to cater for refund member's previous utilized DP after member return sales.
2) Call the SReturn with transaction type as 30101 (Sales – Exchange / Return (+)).
3) Do not need to lock account before call SReturn.
4) Mall Flow logic: This SReturn will only be called via Dot Com Control Centre upon Approval process.
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
- Due date changed from 08/31/2011 to 08/09/2011
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Estimated time set to 6:00 h
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
DP always returns error code 50104 - Invalid or Wrong PIN when submit SReturn transaction. Hoong is looking into this.
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Resolution set to Fixed
Done. Try out the demo application:
If you've accessed the demo application previously, either clean your browser cache or press
to do a force refresh
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process the sample batch file which contains Sales Return transactions and tested ok.