



Feature #117


DP Client Interface

Added by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago. Updated over 12 years ago.

Web Service Client
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
16:00 h
Spent time:



Build a client Interface Call to DP Web Services (
  1. Query DP Balance - query Member's available DP Balance Amount (Sale1 Web Service)
  2. Lock the Member's DP Account (Sale1 Web Service)
  3. Submit Member's Utilized DP Amount (Sale2 Web Service)
  4. Daily Recon Batch Daemon - resubmit those pending status records from DP_Interface table to DP System. (For those fail submitted at first time) (Sale2 Web Service)
  5. View DP - It will redirect from mall online office to DP System page for member to view their DP Balance info. Mall online office will apply Secret Password authentication, before allow access to view. TODO: Page redirection to DP System page with PIN encryption. (Pending information from DP team)
Additional Information About DP:
  1. This client interface call will need to be deployed to all Online Malls, to be called during sales purchase.
  2. The DP utilization can be used between online and offline POS. Therefore, member's account need to be locked if client confirm want to utilize it. Once it is submitted after sales payment done, the lock will be released at DP System. Otherwise, the lock will be automatically released after 30 mins.
  3. DP Utilization cannot be used cross country/currency. Except China, HK and Macau which used the same HKD currency. So Each of the Mall system, will need to defined the correct DP Country/Currency to be passed to DP System. DP System will cross check the country code to verify the member is utilized the DP at the valid country.

Refer to attached document for DP Flow details and technical web service call.

Files (818 KB) Web Service Technical Doc Version 1.3.20110711 Chooi-Mey, 07/27/2011 10:13 AM
DP_Flow_ver1_20072011_2.doc (650 KB) DP_Flow_ver1_20072011_2.doc Mall DP Flow Ver1_20072011_2 Chooi-Mey, 07/27/2011 10:13 AM
DP_Batch_File_Format.xls (42 KB) DP_Batch_File_Format.xls Chooi-Mey, 07/27/2011 02:53 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

Upload DP Batch File Format.xls, refer to column "Daily Recon Batch" for the data file format (fixed length).
Currency Code and Fingerprint part, to be confirmed.

Actions #2

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

Confirm fingerprint encryption to use HMacMd5 method with:
message (combination of) = CENTERCODE^MEMBERID^PIN^DP_AMT
transaction key = cosway88

Actions #3

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

  • Due date set to 07/29/2011
  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • Estimated time set to 16:00 h
Actions #5

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 80

The prototype is ready:

Feel free to give any feedback. The documentation for this should be ready by next week.

Actions #6

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

For the batch file format, please refer to Documents - Batch File Format, for the latest version.

Actions #7

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 60

Updated the prototype: (press ctrl+F5 to do a force refresh)

Changes Log:
  • accept positive DP amount at the front-end and "tweak" it to negative before submit to DP
  • add a new demo page which demonstrate the complete commit flow
    • persists the event (commit only)
  • those transaction ID , which have been used for lock & commit, cannot be re-used anymore.
  • the DP_INTERFACE table can be found in STORE db in

The first draft of the documentation can be found here.

Actions #8

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 60 to 90
change logs:
  • submitted 2 sample batch files to Benny
  • a new test page to demonstrate how to integrate with DP's View Details

list of test ID:
  • VPM338302
  • US116257
  • VPT082601
  • AU213948
  • VPM321921
  • VPM369027
  • AU213019
  • VPT319921
  • VPA001909
Actions #9

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
Actions #10

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

As feedback by Benny on 9-Aug, the system was able to process the submitted batch file. Will submit a new set of batch files to Benny again after integrated the SReturn & Change API.

Actions #11

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process all of the sample batch files, which consists of Change, Sales2, and SReturn transactions.

Actions #12

Updated by chin-yeh about 13 years ago

The programming guide is ready and can be found in Programming Guide. The implementer should understands the requirements and the application flow before make use of the APIs.

Actions #13

Updated by chin-yeh almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 90 to 100
  • Resolution set to Fixed
The following online malls have integrated the DP services' sales1, sales2:
  • Australia
  • UK
  • US
  • New Zealand

and, the integrated service has just went live today. The link to VIP's DP details page went live on 14-Sep.

The DP batch program, which is used to reconciliation failed transaction, is scheduled to run on every day at 3:00PM.

Actions #14

Updated by chin-yeh over 12 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF