Feature #114
closeddevelop the adapter to access the MiGS services
the adapter should be able to:
- generate redirection URL which will be used to redirect customer to MiGS hosted payment form
- integrates with MiGS's QueryDR API to query the transaction result
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 50
integration with queryDR will be excluded.
By the way, all of the params from MIGS's response will be hash-ed accordingly.
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
- % Done changed from 50 to 100
- Resolution set to Fixed
The test page:
How To Test:- There're 3 dummy orders in the ECOS.MIGS_INTERFACE table (my_store):
- ord-1
- ord-12
- ord-123
- All of the page redirect is done by client browser, including the payment receipt page.
- To change the display language on the payment page, enter one of the locale:
- en - english
- zh_CN - simplified chinese
- zh_TW - traditional chinese
- Refer to wiki for the list of available test cards.
- To simulate a successful payment, see wiki