



Feature #111


[UK-CR-024] - UK HSBC Bank File

Added by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago. Updated about 13 years ago.

Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Create UK Profit Bonus Bank File for UK HSBC. Refer to UK-CR-024- UK HSBC Bank File.doc for details.
(src\ALL CR\UK Site\Change Request\UK-CR-024- UK HSBC Bank File.doc )


Actions #1

Updated by Chee-Hoong over 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 70

1) define value retrieve from db and assign to vars
2) testing after all completed
3) finalize / code checking

Actions #2

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

1) Refer to UKBO_PROFIT_032011.txt (generated on 27062011 5.00pm), below are some error need to be fixed:
a) VOL - field 38-41 should be blank.
b) UHL - field 41-80 should be blank.
c) STANDARD - field 36-46 (Amount) should refer to the profit amount to be paid in figure.
d) STANDARD - field 65-82 (Users Reference) should be Payout0311 (PayoutMMYY)
e) UTL1 - Should put the actual calculated amount figure, instead of "test"

2) For UKBO_PROFIT_042011, it does not show profit month 04 records.

3) Pls generate finance report and exception report as well.

Actions #3

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

Kindly regenerate the test bank file by this week based on the clarified pending items info as attached excel sheet.

Actions #4

Updated by Chee-Hoong about 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 90

report generated.
pending revert data replaced.
waiting verification

Actions #5

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

Changes : Change the UHL1 record - BACS processing day field (pos 5-10) from current date to current date + 1 day.

Supporting note:
Based on the feedback from Avni (HSBC) on 19/07/2011 mail:
"Due to the logic rule at BACS system that BACS is a 3 day cycle. You can specify the BACS Processing Date in the UHL1 Record as 11201 as today is included in the 3 day cycle. If you choose 11201 this will debit and credit on the 21/07/2011, if you select as 11202 as your BACS processing date this will debit and credit on the 22/07/2011."

Actions #6

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

Changes :

1) Change the UHL1 record - BACS processing day field (pos 5-10) from current date to current date + n day. with n is pass in parameter; if no value pass in, default to 1.
2) Apply validation checking on HDR1 - Expiration Date field (pos 48-53) that it MUST GREATER THAN UHL1 - BACS Procssing Day.

Actions #7

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

Changes: Add in generation criteria as below based on finance user request (as attached html mail):

1) Any amount below USD10.00 shall not be paid.
2) BO without complete bank details (6 digit sort code and 8 digit bank account number) shall not be paid

Item 2 already cater. So only apply item 1 checking that if AmtRemittedUsd (before currency conversion) is < USD10.00, the record will need to be excluded from bank file, but catch in Exception Report with the error message "Remitted Amount is below USD10.00".

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

For Information Purpose Only:

Additional Notes for Operation:
1) BACS Processing day must be greater than upload date
2) Creation date and upload date can be 45 days in advance from the BACS processing day.
3) BACS Processing day must not greater than expiration date.
4) BACS Processing day must within UK banking day (Cannot fall under UK holiday or weekend). Note: If it is fall under UK holiday/weekend, finance will need to send in request to re-generate the file, by pass in param of bacs_cycle_day.
5) Authorisation day need to be before BACS processing day.
6) Account will be debit/credit day after BACS Processing day.

Actions #9

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

Deploy to production on 21/07/2011.

Actions #10

Updated by Chee-Hoong about 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 90 to 100

program done and ready to deploy to production

Actions #11

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

1) Remove the '-' from the member's BankBranchCode, as system will always append the '-' in during storing. For example: 12-34-56. So when retrieve the value from db, need to remove the '-'.

Actions #12

Updated by Chooi-Mey about 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed
  • Assignee deleted (Chee-Hoong)

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