Feature #102
closedAddProduct & AddCategory web services ready for integration
AddProduct & AddCategory web services (ecwyconnector ver 0.4.0)is ready for client integration.
Latest copy is deployed to Dev machine. Latest code committed to branch.
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
- Due date set to 04/25/2011
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Estimated time set to 8:00 h
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Feedback
done. see issue #98 for instruction how to conduct testing.
Spec for the 2 new services can be found in:- AddProduct - Activity Diagram - Add Product
- AddCategory - Activity Diagram - Add Category
All of the latest sources can be found in the svn trunk and nexus repository (binary version):
see Documentation for the list of released snapshots version.
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
For AddProduct Activity Diagram:
(1) eCosway Mall - step 2: Retrieve product(s) based on order item(s). Which function trigger this AddProduct sync, which need to based on order items?
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
both AddProduct & AddCategory is triggered by AddSales because product ref no. and category ref no. can only be found in individual order item.
Updated by chin-yeh over 13 years ago
now both are invoked when adding/modifying category & product in control center.
How To Test:- login to Control Center
- expand the "Product Administration" and select Product Category
- select USA mall(new) in the Search by
- point both From and To to USA mall (New) (400000) and click the Add button
- in the form, enter the below info and press Save button:
- Category Name: Dummy Category
- Display Sequence: 9999
- expand the "Product Administration" and select Product Information and press Add button
- in the form, enter the below info. and press Submit button:
- Mall: USA mall(new)
- Supplier: COSWAY USA INC.
- eCosway Product Code: 008A
- Launch Date: <<today date>>
- Publish: Yes
- Product Name: Dummy Product
- Shipping Table: US01
- Net Weight: 10
- Price Type: Normal Price
- Category: <<choose the one that created in previous step>>
- Price (Local): 9.99
- Local Price's Currency: US DOLLAR
- Cost Price: 1.99
- Cost Price's Currency: US DOLLAR
- Effective Date(dd-mm-yyyy): <<today date>>
- expand the "Product Administration" and select Product Information Approval and approve the one that just created
- expand the "Product Administration" and select Inventory Level Maintenance
- in the form, enter below info and press search button:
- Product Id: 008A
- click the product to view details
- in the Edit Product Inventory form, enter:
- New Inventory Level: 99
- press Save button
- in the form, enter below info and press search button:
- now make a purchase in USCLONE and view the order status in USSTORE's online office
Updated by Chooi-Mey over 13 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Tested. All work accordingly.