


Files » captchas.jsp

captchas.jsp - Soh Keong, 09/22/2004 07:24 AM

% Example for using the Webservice
% Replace the required parameters 'demo' and 'secret' with the
% values you receive upon .
% Optional Parameters and Defaults:
% alphabet: abcdefghkmnopqrstuvwxyz (Used characters in captcha)
% We recommend alphabet without mistakable ijl
% letters: 6 (Number of characters in captcha)
% width: 240 (image width)
% height: 80 (image height)
% Don't forget the same settings in check.jsp

<%@ page language="java" import="com.ecosway.captchas.CaptchasDotNet"%>
<%@ include file="../menu.jsp"%>
<div align="center">
<br> <br>
// Construct the captchas object (Default Values)
CaptchasDotNet captchas = new CaptchasDotNet(
request.getSession(true), // Ensure session
CaptchasDotNet.CLIENT, // client
CaptchasDotNet.SECRET // secret
// Construct the captchas object (Extended example)
// CaptchasDotNet captchas = new CaptchasDotNet(
// request.getSession(true), // Ensure session
// "demo", // client
// "secret", // secret
// "01", // alphabet
// 16, // letters
// 500, // width
// 80 // height
// );
% encodeUrl produces jsessionid=xyz in case of disabled cookies
% Please test your implementation also with disabled cookies

<form method="get"
% it's possible to set a random in captchas.image("xyz"),
% captchas.imageUrl("xyz") and captchas.audioUrl("xyz").
% This is only needed at the first request
--%> <%=captchas.image()%><br> <a
href="<%=captchas.audioUrl()%>">Phonetic spelling (mp3)</a>
<td>The CAPTCHA password:</td>
<td><input name="password" size="16" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></td>