


Files » - Soh Keong, 09/22/2004 07:24 AM

* JSP module for easy utilization of the free CAPTCHA
* service
* For documentation see .
* Written by Felix Holderied <>
* This file is in the public domain.
* ChangeLog:
* 2006-09-21: Initial version.

package com.ecosway.captchas;

import java.util.Random;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

public class CaptchasDotNet {

public static final String CLIENT = "tansohkeong";
public static final String SECRET = "cW5d0ItysU8iEr4XmlSqHaZjOar4rwkueeQQSUlG";

// Required Parameters
private String client;
private String secret;
// Optional parameters and defaults
final String ALPHABET_RECOMMENDED = "abcdefghkmnopqrstuvwxyz";
// Default-Values from image and audio implementation
final String ALPHABET_DEFAULT = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
final int LETTERS_DEFAULT = 6;
final int WIDTH_DEFAULT = 180;
final int HEIGHT_DEFAULT = 50;
private String alphabet = ALPHABET_RECOMMENDED;
private int letters = LETTERS_DEFAULT;
private int width = WIDTH_DEFAULT;
private int height = HEIGHT_DEFAULT;
// Session handling
private HttpSession httpSess;
// The current random
private String captchaRandom = "";

* Constructor
// only required parameters
public CaptchasDotNet(HttpSession httpSess, String client, String secret) {
this.httpSess = httpSess;
this.client = client;
this.secret = secret;

// additional alphabet, letters
public CaptchasDotNet(HttpSession httpSess, String client, String secret,
String alphabet, int letters) {
this.httpSess = httpSess;
this.client = client;
this.secret = secret;
this.alphabet = alphabet;
this.letters = letters;

// additional alphabet, letters, width, height
public CaptchasDotNet(HttpSession httpSess, String client, String secret,
String alphabet, int letters, int width, int height) {
this.httpSess = httpSess;
this.client = client;
this.secret = secret;
this.alphabet = alphabet;
this.letters = letters;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;

* The first objects are needed in the query phase

* Generate 8 byte hexrandom and set captchasDotNetRandom
private String randomString() {
Random r = new Random();
captchaRandom = Integer.toHexString(r.nextInt())
+ Integer.toHexString(r.nextInt());
httpSess.setAttribute("captchasDotNetRandom", captchaRandom);
return captchaRandom;

* Generate image url with parameters
public String imageUrl() {
// Check if random already exists or is used
if (captchaRandom == "" || captchaRandom == "used") {
captchaRandom = randomString();
String url = "";
// Required parameters
url += "?client=" + client;
url += "&random=" + captchaRandom;
// Optional parameters
if (!alphabet.equals(ALPHABET_DEFAULT)) {
url += "&alphabet=" + alphabet;
if (letters != LETTERS_DEFAULT) {
url += "&letters=" + letters;
if (width != WIDTH_DEFAULT) {
url += "&width=" + width;
if (height != HEIGHT_DEFAULT) {
url += "&height=" + height;
return url;

// the same with random
public String imageUrl(String randomString) {
captchaRandom = randomString;
httpSess.setAttribute("captchasDotNetRandom", captchaRandom);
return imageUrl();

* Generate audio url with parameters same as image url without width and
* height
public String audioUrl() {
if (captchaRandom == "" || captchaRandom == "used") {
captchaRandom = randomString();
String url = "";
url += "?client=" + client;
url += "&random=" + captchaRandom;
if (!alphabet.equals(ALPHABET_DEFAULT)) {
url += "&alphabet=" + alphabet;
if (letters != LETTERS_DEFAULT) {
url += "&letters=" + letters;
return url;

// the same with random
public String audioUrl(String randomString) {
captchaRandom = randomString;
httpSess.setAttribute("captchasDotNetRandom", captchaRandom);
return audioUrl();

* Generate complete image code with javascript for fault tolerant image
* loading
public String image() {
StringBuffer imageCode = new StringBuffer();
.append("<a href=\"\"><img style=\"border: none; vertical-align: bottom\" ");
imageCode.append("id=\"\" src=\"" + imageUrl() + "\" ");
imageCode.append("width=\"" + width + "\" height=\"" + height + "\" ");
imageCode.append("alt=\"The CAPTCHA image\" /></a> \n");
imageCode.append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n");
imageCode.append(" <!--\n");
imageCode.append(" function captchas_image_error (image)\n");
imageCode.append(" {\n");
imageCode.append(" if (!image.timeout) return true;\n");
.append(" image.src = image.src.replace (/^http:\\/\\/image\\.captchas\\.net/,\n");
.append(" '');\n");
imageCode.append(" return captchas_image_loaded (image);\n");
imageCode.append(" }\n\n");
imageCode.append(" function captchas_image_loaded (image)\n");
imageCode.append(" {\n");
imageCode.append(" if (!image.timeout) return true;\n");
imageCode.append(" window.clearTimeout (image.timeout);\n");
imageCode.append(" image.timeout = false;\n");
imageCode.append(" return true;\n");
imageCode.append(" }\n\n");
.append(" var image = document.getElementById ('');\n");
.append(" image.onerror = function() {return captchas_image_error (image);};\n");
.append(" image.onload = function() {return captchas_image_loaded (image);};\n");
imageCode.append(" image.timeout \n");
imageCode.append(" = window.setTimeout(\n");
.append(" \"captchas_image_error (document.getElementById (''))\",\n");
imageCode.append(" 10000);\n");
imageCode.append(" image.src = image.src;\n");
imageCode.append(" //--> \n");
return imageCode.toString();

// the same with random
public String image(String randomString) {
captchaRandom = randomString;
httpSess.setAttribute("captchasDotNetRandom", captchaRandom);
return image();

* And this is for the check phase

* Check the CAPTCHA code Returns 3 errors codes s, m, w and t if
* successfull
public char check(String password) {
captchaRandom = "" + httpSess.getAttribute("captchasDotNetRandom");

// check if 's'ession object "captchasDotNetRandom" exists
if (captchaRandom.equals("null")) {
return 's';
// check if the captcha is used 'm'ore than once
if (captchaRandom.equals("used")) {
return 'm';

// Compute the correct password
String encryptionBase = secret + captchaRandom;
if (!alphabet.equals(ALPHABET_DEFAULT) || letters != LETTERS_DEFAULT) {
encryptionBase += ":" + alphabet + ":" + letters;
MessageDigest md5;
byte[] digest = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
try {
md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
digest = md5.digest();
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
String correctPassword = "";
int index;
for (int i = 0; i < letters; i++) {
index = (digest[i] + 256) % 256 % alphabet.length();
correctPassword += alphabet.substring(index, index + 1);
// Check if password is correct
if (!password.equals(correctPassword)) {
// 'w'rong Password
return 'w';
} else {
// invalidate used captcha random
httpSess.setAttribute("captchasDotNetRandom", "used");
// 't'rue
return 't';