From 03/01/2012 to 03/30/2012
- 03:00 PM VP Client Support #139 (Closed): [VP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- verified
- 11:27 AM VP Client Support #139 (Resolved): [VP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- 09:30 AM DP Client Support #138 (Closed): [DP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- verified
- 09:29 AM SP Client Support #140 (Closed): [SP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- verified
- 02:19 PM DP Client Support #138 (Resolved): [DP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- 02:16 PM SP Client Support #140 (Resolved): [SP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- 09:22 AM SP Client Support #140 (Closed): [SP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- Due to recent migration, the WSDL URL for development environment has been changed.
Please update the property, *w...
- 04:32 PM DP Client Support #138: [DP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- do update the *URL* for customer service in [[wiki#DP-Customer-Service-UI|DP Customer Service UI]] section:...
- 04:18 PM DP Client Support #138 (Closed): [DP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- Due to recent migration, the WSDL URL for development environment has been changed.
Please update the property, *w... - 04:28 PM VP Client Support #139 (Closed): [VP] Update the WSDL URL for development environment
- Due to recent migration, the WSDL URL for development environment has been changed.
Please update the property, *w...
- 10:37 AM Knowledge Sharing Support #137 (Closed): Projects Handover - CHOO CHIN YEH
- According to what we have planned and discussed, Belynda will take over all of the unfinished projects and tasks, sta...
- 10:12 AM mPay Feature #128 (Closed): provide the required info to mPay when go live
- provided by chooi-mey on 6-March-2012
- 02:20 PM QIWI Wallet Feature #136: Integrate QIWI (payment gateway)
- I've updated the [[Programming Guide]]. The changes included:
* introduce a new query parameter, *cardGateway*
* re... - 11:13 AM QIWI Wallet Feature #136 (Closed): Integrate QIWI (payment gateway)
- This payment gateway will be used in the Russian member registration. The testing environment has been set up in the ...
- 09:27 AM eCosway Change Request Feature #135 (Closed): [UK-CR-024][Revised] UK HSBC Bank File
- verified
- 02:37 PM eCosway Change Request Feature #135: [UK-CR-024][Revised] UK HSBC Bank File
- files deployed are:-
1) GenProfitPaymentForUkBank.class
2) ProfitPaymentBean.class - 09:50 AM eCosway Change Request Feature #135: [UK-CR-024][Revised] UK HSBC Bank File
- chin-yeh wrote:
> Based on the user feedback, you can deploy this CR to production server.
> After deployed, gi... - 09:26 AM eCosway Change Request Feature #135: [UK-CR-024][Revised] UK HSBC Bank File
- the program is deployed to production environment.
with date time 01 March 2012 5.00 pm
- 04:15 PM eCosway Change Request Feature #135: [UK-CR-024][Revised] UK HSBC Bank File
- Based on the user feedback, you can deploy this CR to production server.
After deployed, give us what files you ha...
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