


chin-yeh's activity

From 07/31/2011 to 08/29/2011


12:22 PM DP Client Feature #117: DP Client Interface
The programming guide is ready and can be found in [[Programming Guide]]. The implementer should understands the requ... chin-yeh


05:58 PM DP Client Feature #119: Sales Return Web Services
Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process the sample batch file which contains ... chin-yeh
05:57 PM DP Client Feature #120: VIP Upgrade Web Service
Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process the sample batch file which contains ... chin-yeh
05:55 PM DP Client Feature #117: DP Client Interface
Based on the feedback by Benny (25-Aug-2011), the DP system was able to process all of the sample batch files, which ... chin-yeh


12:33 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
As discussed, do provide the profit batch file, which generated in live environment, to Ting-Ting & Benny for final v... chin-yeh


05:35 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
I've imported the live *VIP_STAT* & *mend_currconv* tables into development STORE db. Can you generate a copy and pas... chin-yeh
09:49 AM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Use the util to format all monetary value to 2 decimal places *after* calculation chin-yeh


06:17 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
The file encoding of the profit batch file will be *UTF-8*.
FYI, the file encoding for all of the VP/DP batch fil...
05:46 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
*Important notes:*
* Refer to the *format2Decimal* method in ** class in usa-mall reposito...


05:28 PM DP Client Feature #120: VIP Upgrade Web Service
Already integrated. The demo app can be found in:
> If do not...
03:58 PM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
There are 2 required libraries was not uploaded, therefore, a number of transaction was not submitted. To reconcile i... chin-yeh


05:15 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
yes, please generate again and send to Benny. chin-yeh
03:48 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Just prepare for the profit batch program first.
Besides that, here are the latest changes needed:
* change the *...
03:36 PM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
There's no registration/renewal transaction for US mall as of 3:00PM. Therefore, today's VP recon batch file will con... chin-yeh


05:49 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Could you prepare the following guide:
* how to deploy the batch program
* how to execute the batch program
* how ...
11:23 AM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
* output filename convention is *DP_PROFITMMyyyy.txt*
** *MMyyyy* - profit month, e.g. 092011 for Septem...
05:30 PM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
As per discussion, the batch program will be scheduled to run on 1500 in Malaysia time.
Beside that, the changes f...
03:02 PM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
*changes log:*
* Based on the feedback from Benny on 17-Aug-2011, the VP system had been successfully processed the ...


12:32 PM DP Client Feature #120 (In Progress): VIP Upgrade Web Service
12:25 PM DP Client Feature #119 (Feedback): Sales Return Web Services
Done. Try out the demo application:
> If you've accessed the demo ...


05:07 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
As request by Benny, you need to provide him the batch file that contains:
* -The Profit from member of country Taiw...
09:52 AM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
submitted another sample batch file to Benny that generated based on Version 5 chin-yeh


04:57 PM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
*changes log*:
* submitted another sample batch file to benny, which generated based on file format Version 4.0 [see...
03:48 PM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
*changes log:*
* confirmed the production VP web services is working (registration & renewal)
* confirmed by Ting-T...


05:27 PM VP Client Feature #121 (Feedback): VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
Completed the batch program for daily recon and submitted the generated file to Benny for clarification.
Besides t...


03:58 PM DP Client Feature #117: DP Client Interface
As feedback by Benny on 9-Aug, the system was able to process the submitted batch file. Will submit a new set of batc... chin-yeh
12:31 PM VP Client Feature #121: VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
provided the integration guide to Hann and the full documentation can be found here:
> [[documentation]]
The batc...


05:58 PM VP Client Feature #121 (In Progress): VRegister Web Service Call - Register/Renewal
Already integrated the *Registration* and *Renewal*. The demo application:
04:53 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
There's some changes:
* *TRAN_ID* column - the data month will be the previous month of the report generation date
12:43 PM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
work with Benny to make sure the system can process the generated file.
do update the issue to reflect the current...
11:40 AM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
Please send the sample generated file to *Benny Kuok Chan Weng* [] by today, do CC me and chooi-m... chin-yeh


03:04 PM DP Client Feature #119: Sales Return Web Services
DP always returns error code *50104 - Invalid or Wrong PIN* when submit SReturn transaction. Hoong is looking into this. chin-yeh
11:14 AM DP Client Feature #119 (In Progress): Sales Return Web Services


05:13 PM DP Client Feature #117 (Feedback): DP Client Interface
05:07 PM DP Client Feature #117: DP Client Interface
*change logs*:
* submitted 2 sample batch files to Benny
* a new test page to demonstrate how to integrate with DP's ...
11:22 AM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
refer to the issue description for the latest data retrievin SQL chin-yeh


09:34 AM DP Client Feature #118: DP Profit Batch File
removed all old attachments. refer to the document:"DP Batch File Format" for the latest documents. chin-yeh


03:34 PM DP Client Feature #117: DP Client Interface
Updated the prototype: (press ctrl+F5 to do a force refresh)
*Changes ...

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