chin-yeh's activity
From 02/01/2011 to 03/02/2011
- 04:57 PM Order ID migration Feature #90: Test the batch programs which sync data across databases
- *Pending to test*:
* SyncFulfilledOrderToEcos
* Sync_Registration
* SyncShopperRegistration
* SyncEAccountAdjustm... - 04:48 PM Order ID migration Feature #90 (Closed): Test the batch programs which sync data across databases
- 03:40 PM Order ID migration Feature #79 (Closed): conduct trial run on offline batches
- 02:18 PM Order ID migration Feature #79 (Resolved): conduct trial run on offline batches
- 03:39 PM Order ID migration Feature #89 (Closed): code merging and deployment on test environment
- 12:48 PM Order ID migration Feature #89: code merging and deployment on test environment
- Is it similiar to this issue, #74? try to get it fixed
- 06:12 PM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- *Latest pending list:*
* -FamilyTreeTrace-
- 05:08 PM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- Latest pending list:
* MonthEndProcess 1
* SendBOCancelWithoutISOReversalRpt
* CalcRefundAccount
* NetworkHisTrac... - 04:33 PM Order ID migration Feature #89: code merging and deployment on test environment
- do conduct the neccessary tests using this URL:
but skip ... - 04:28 PM Order ID migration Feature #89: code merging and deployment on test environment
- No need to prepare anything for production environment.
By the way, the folder
> */usr/local/jboss-4.2.2.GA/serv... - 10:26 AM Order ID migration Feature #89: code merging and deployment on test environment
- check out the latest source files from the *branch(CVS)* and deploy those files which have differences with the *HEAD...
- 06:34 PM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- *Latest pending list*:
* GenStatementFile B
* GenStatementFile P
* GenStatementFile C
* GenStatementFile_ByCountr... - 06:34 PM Order ID migration Feature #89 (In Progress): code merging and deployment on test environment
- already merged the latest code from *HEAD* into branch for hongkong mall, hongkong batch, and usa batch.
- 09:31 AM Order ID migration Feature #89 (Closed): code merging and deployment on test environment
- Merge the latest changes in *HEAD* into *order ID migration* branch. After merged, deploy all those files, which has ...
- 06:24 PM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- *Latest pending list*:
* genMthlyEacctMovement
* geneCenterMovementReport
* MasterSalesReport
* AdjustmentSummary...
- 05:46 PM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- Pending to test:
* MonthEndProcess 3
* ECenterIncomeRpt
* MonthlyRpt 1
* MonthlyRpt 2
* MonthlyRpt 3
* MonthlyR... - 09:30 AM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- *Latest pending list*:
* OffLineShopperSHM TW
* OfflineAutoRenewal
* AutoRenewalGrouping L
* OfflineCorrection
*... - 10:27 AM Order ID migration Bug #87 (Feedback): USA Batch - parseInt/parseLong issue
- 09:32 AM Order ID migration Bug #87 (In Progress): USA Batch - parseInt/parseLong issue
- 01:55 PM Order ID migration Bug #88 (Closed): UnapplyOfflineReturns - searchOrderNo variable is being removed
- 09:37 AM Order ID migration Bug #88 (Feedback): UnapplyOfflineReturns - searchOrderNo variable is being removed
- compare it with the previous version to find out what you should restore. and also, pay attention to the integer/long...
- 11:47 AM Order ID migration Feature #84 (Closed): Offline Batches - Code Changes Review
- 05:20 PM Order ID migration Bug #86 (Feedback): Batch - ParseInt Issue
- all are fixed except the following files:
* src-ecos\ - it's using ... - 09:51 AM Order ID migration Bug #86 (In Progress): Batch - ParseInt Issue
- 04:07 PM Order ID migration Bug #88 (Closed): UnapplyOfflineReturns - searchOrderNo variable is being removed
- Can you certain is there's a need to remove the variable? It may alter the program logic.
- 09:22 AM Order ID migration Bug #85 (Feedback): ECos Batch - Between STARTRANGE and ENDRANGE
- do check and test the following program(s):
* GenOnlineOrderToWarehouseFromECosSpecial
- 04:01 PM Order ID migration Bug #85 (In Progress): ECos Batch - Between STARTRANGE and ENDRANGE
- do search through all the files and amend the similiar changes.
if fixed and tested throughly, do deploy it to dev... - 03:05 PM Order ID migration Bug #85: ECos Batch - Between STARTRANGE and ENDRANGE
- give this issue a higher priority as it's affecting the test result
- 03:45 PM Order ID migration Bug #82 (Feedback): Batch - Order Number Range Check Problem
- list of affected files:
* src-classes/dayEndProcess
* src-ecos/UpdateOrderFulfill... - 12:14 PM Order ID migration Bug #82 (In Progress): Batch - Order Number Range Check Problem
- 12:09 PM Order ID migration Bug #83 (Feedback): Online Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
- below is list of the affected files:
* - fixed
* admin/order_BP_viewOrderDetail... - 09:32 AM Order ID migration Bug #83 (In Progress): Online Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
- 09:27 AM Order ID migration Feature #84 (Closed): Offline Batches - Code Changes Review
- Review the code changes.
- 09:24 AM Order ID migration Feature #79 (In Progress): conduct trial run on offline batches
- force run the following programs which run monthly or on specific date:
* WeeklyEAccountAdjReport
* MonthlyOfferAdj...
- 03:09 PM Order ID migration Feature #79 (Feedback): conduct trial run on offline batches
- *11-Feb's result*:
* DailyEV - skipped as it takes long time to complete
* OfflineTransaction - failed
* DailyProd... - 09:54 AM Order ID migration Bug #82: Batch - Order Number Range Check Problem
- please find out those affected files first and list it here.
- 09:54 AM Order ID migration Bug #83: Online Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
- please find out those affected files first and list it here.
- 09:26 AM Order ID migration Bug #83: Online Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
- can you search through the codes in both online mall and offline batches to check if the problem described above is b...
- 04:36 PM Order ID migration Feature #81 (Closed): re-test the certain offline programs
- 12:35 PM Order ID migration Feature #81 (Closed): re-test the certain offline programs
- need your favour to re-test the following modules and make sure there's no error:
* GenOnlineOrderToWarehouseFromECo... - 03:39 PM Order ID migration Bug #80 (Closed): upload codes to development environment
- 12:27 PM Order ID migration Bug #80 (Closed): upload codes to development environment
- do confirm and upload whatever codes you have changed to development environment
- 08:57 AM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- *9-Feb's result*:
# DailyEV - Took long time to complete (about 11-14 hours).
*10-Feb's result*:
# not available bec...
- 05:43 PM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- chin-yeh wrote:
> chin-yeh wrote:
> > 8-Feb's result:
> > # DailyEV - hang
> > # genMthlyEacctMovement - hang
> re... - 11:04 AM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- due to that too many hard-coded emails in the programs, the email sending is disabled from today onward.
- 09:53 AM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- chin-yeh wrote:
> 8-Feb's result:
> # DailyEV - hang
> # genMthlyEacctMovement - hang
re-run *genMthlyEacctMovement*...
- 09:56 AM Order ID migration Feature #79: conduct trial run on offline batches
- *8-Feb's result*:
# DailyEV - hang
# genMthlyEacctMovement - hang
- 09:53 AM Order ID migration Bug #76 (Resolved): Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
- the problems have been fixed and verified
- 04:20 PM Order ID migration Bug #78 (Closed): Cancel Order - throws exception when submit "cancel order" request
- cannot cancel multiple ID order
- 10:00 AM Order ID migration Bug #78 (Closed): Cancel Order - throws exception when submit "cancel order" request
- Steps to reproduce:
# login to *My Account*
# go to *My Order* -> *Cancel Order*
# search all orders for a particu... - 04:11 PM Order ID migration Bug #76: Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
- no more insert SQL error now. however, can you check which part of codes are causing the following error:
* go to My... - 12:34 PM Order ID migration Bug #76: Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
- please double check if it's been fixed
- 09:44 AM Order ID migration Bug #76: Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
- do fix this bug also:...
- 09:36 AM Order ID migration Bug #76: Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
- Steps to reproduce:
# login to My Account
# go to *My Orders* -> *Refund Merchandise - REFUND*
# enter *any alphan... - 12:39 PM Order ID migration Bug #74: Online Office - Cancel Order - Order No fail search
- order listing and alphanumeric searching are both tested ok.
- 09:53 AM Order ID migration Bug #74: Online Office - Cancel Order - Order No fail search
- still not able to search alphanumeric order number.
- 12:36 PM Order ID migration Bug #75: Online Office - View Order Details - NumberFormat Exception
- tested ok
- 12:15 PM Order ID migration Bug #77: Cancel Order - View Order Details - NumberFormat Exception
- tested ok
- 10:47 AM Order ID migration Feature #79 (Closed): conduct trial run on offline batches
- conduct daily trial run for offline batches. It's been scheduled to run from *8-Feb* to *11-Feb*
* schedule to run... - 09:15 AM Order ID migration Bug #57 (Closed): Bo Registration - EasyPayStatusCheck.jsp hit error for the browser response back time
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