


Chooi-Mey's activity

From 01/30/2011 to 02/28/2011


05:38 PM Order ID migration Bug #87 (Closed): USA Batch - parseInt/parseLong issue
List of files:
1) \src\my\com\eCosway\usa\member\ (line 286, use setString)
2) src\my\com\eCos...
05:26 PM Order ID migration Bug #86: Batch - ParseInt Issue
Below list got parseLong code, which need to have additional checking before parse it.
1) src\my\com\powersys\util...
04:51 PM Order ID migration Bug #86 (Closed): Batch - ParseInt Issue
Below list of program with line of code parseInt on orderId , which will hit exception when orderId in alphanumeric f... Chooi-Mey
05:24 PM Order ID migration Bug #82 (Closed): Batch - Order Number Range Check Problem
Move the list under Bug #86. This bug is closed. Chooi-Mey
05:16 PM Order ID migration Bug #82: Batch - Order Number Range Check Problem
Few more files with this issue:
1) src\my\com\powersys\util\ (line 151)
2) \src-classes\DailyTranx...
03:38 PM Order ID migration Bug #85: ECos Batch - Between STARTRANGE and ENDRANGE
Search thru the entire project, by using File Search with keyword "400000000", browse thru the search result, and fin... Chooi-Mey
02:55 PM Order ID migration Bug #85: ECos Batch - Between STARTRANGE and ENDRANGE
Pls be aware that current migStore, order no has been appended with prefix 'SUF', so adjust accordingly for the testi... Chooi-Mey
02:39 PM Order ID migration Bug #85 (Closed): ECos Batch - Between STARTRANGE and ENDRANGE
For those Sql query with "Between ? and ?" that if using preparedstatment, the set In parameter value do not require ... Chooi-Mey


03:59 PM Order ID migration Bug #83: Online Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
Resolution for this issue: perform digit validation checking on order number, before proceed next step of parseInt/pa... Chooi-Mey
03:58 PM Order ID migration Bug #82: Batch - Order Number Range Check Problem
Resolution for this issue: perform digit validation checking on order number, before proceed next step of parseInt/pa... Chooi-Mey


05:20 PM Order ID migration Bug #83 (Closed): Online Mall - Order Number Range Check Problem
Order Number is parseInt/long and check/compare from the list of number range, to determine belongs to which mall.
05:13 PM Order ID migration Bug #82 (Closed): Batch - Order Number Range Check Problem
Order Number is parseInt/long and check/compare from the list of number range, to determine belongs to which mall.


12:29 PM Order ID migration Bug #76 (Closed): Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
Tested. Chooi-Mey
10:48 AM Order ID migration Bug #74 (Closed): Online Office - Cancel Order - Order No fail search
10:47 AM Order ID migration Bug #77 (Closed): Cancel Order - View Order Details - NumberFormat Exception


02:48 PM Order ID migration Bug #75 (Closed): Online Office - View Order Details - NumberFormat Exception
Tested. Chooi-Mey


05:42 PM Order ID migration Bug #77 (Closed): Cancel Order - View Order Details - NumberFormat Exception
17:35:38,666 ERROR [STDERR] at
17:35:38,666 ERROR [STDERR] Caused by: java...
05:40 PM Order ID migration Bug #76: Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
Error hit during perform return submission. Chooi-Mey
05:38 PM Order ID migration Bug #76 (Closed): Refund Merchandise - REFUND - insert sql error on order no value not in string format
... Chooi-Mey
04:38 PM Order ID migration Bug #73 (Closed): Super Selection Order Adminstration - View order detrails - NumberFormatException
Tested. Chooi-Mey
02:26 PM Order ID migration Bug #75 (Closed): Online Office - View Order Details - NumberFormat Exception
From Order listing, click on one of the order record (with alphanumeric order no), it link to blank details page with... Chooi-Mey
02:14 PM Order ID migration Bug #66 (Closed): Online Office - View Order Status
Tested. Chooi-Mey

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