



From 01/03/2011 to 02/01/2011


10:24 AM QConnector QConnector_SolutionDesign_PA3.ppt
Added in Deployment Architecture, Load Test Section and Proposed Hardware Spec Chooi-Mey


09:50 AM GlobalCollect Programmers_Guide_-_WDL_WebCollect_v6.8.2.pdf
contains guides on how to integrate with GlobalCollect's interfaces chin-yeh
09:50 AM GlobalCollect Programmers_Guide_-_Reporting_v6.4.3.pdf
contains the technical reporting guide chin-yeh
09:50 AM GlobalCollect Implementation_Guide_-_GlobalCollect_v6.0.pdf
the full implementation guide chin-yeh
09:50 AM GlobalCollect Customer_Link_v1.21.ppt
visualizes the implementations steps and some samples chin-yeh
09:50 AM GlobalCollect AdministrativeGuide_v2.02.pdf
Contains general business and operational information about GlobalCollect’s processes and procedures chin-yeh
09:50 AM GlobalCollect User_Guide_-_File_Transfer_v1.4.PDF
describe how to setup Secure File Transfer account chin-yeh
09:50 AM GlobalCollect Super_Secret_Sample.ppt
The sample case study chin-yeh
09:50 AM GlobalCollect Document: GlobalCollect Official Guide
The official guides that provided by GlobalCollect chin-yeh

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